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TMZ has discovered just how Charlie Harper, Charlie Sheen's character on Two and a Half Men, is going to kick the bucket. And, like many things involving Charlie Sheen, it is gross. Sheen was fired from the  unbelievably successful sitcom — literally unbelievable, as in, my mind cannot comprehend and rejects the very idea of the show's huge ratings — after he went straight-up crazy last year. Before they can bring on replacement mannequin Ashton Kutcher, the show's producers feel that the dignified/cathartic thing to do is kill the character off. And they clearly have some aggression stored up:

Sources at Friday night's taping tell us ... Harper married Rose -- the neighbor/stalker he flew to Paris with last season -- but things went downhill quickly when she found him in the shower with another woman.

In the episode, we're told Rose speaks at the funeral and recounts what happened to Charlie ... saying the day after the shower incident she and Charlie were waiting for a Paris subway when Charlie "slipped" and the subway literally blew him apart in a "meat explosion."

Meat explosion. Meat. Explosion. Work your mouth around that one for a bit, and see if you can keep down lunch.

One thing I discovered as this whole Sheen debacle unfolded was that Two and a Half Men — which I had thought sight unseen was simply middling and trite — was actually kind of horrific, with gross sexual gags in uncomfortable proximity to a thirteen-year-old and ad campaigns like this. Sheen probably didn't help matters, but it is clear the show's problems run much deeper. Thank you for reminding me of this again, meat explosion.

Comments ( 23 )

Aug 08 11 at 1:19 pm

I am horrified.

Aug 08 11 at 1:24 pm

Shortly followed by Charlie Sheen's actual death?

Aug 08 11 at 2:32 pm

Considering how possible his actual death feels, I can't help but consider this joke an inevitable Funny Aneurysm Moment.

Aug 08 11 at 3:25 pm

@ Dude: You've been busted...Troper.

Aug 09 11 at 1:52 pm

No! My secret identity! You've found me out!

Aug 08 11 at 1:25 pm

The first paragraph of this item is the literary equivalent of a meat explosion.

Aug 08 11 at 1:35 pm
comidic writer

I really don't think that the phrase "meat explosion" is a metaphore for the current relationship between Sheen and CBS. The writers probably thought that "meat explosion" was a funny thing for the actress to say, rather than describe the what the body looks like after actually getting hit by a train. They were going after a cheap laugh.

Aug 09 11 at 11:06 am

That's a good point, comidic writer. That makes sense; they probably just thought the words sounded funny together and maybe she's a character that just says random funny word combinations completely out of context. She could just as easily said "parabolic sleepingbag" and maybe there wouldn't have been this misunderstanding.

Aug 08 11 at 1:50 pm

Killing off characters is a bad idea. You never know when it might be a better idea for them to reappear. But yeah, I get that the producers hate Sheen now.

Aug 08 11 at 2:04 pm

who cares

Aug 08 11 at 2:49 pm

Too bad they can't show the entire show off the platform with him. This is the kind of show that makes reruns of Laverne and Shirley sound appealing.

Aug 08 11 at 2:49 pm

I meant SHOVE!

Aug 08 11 at 2:50 pm

Pssh no one can replace a WINNER like Sheen. How many episodes till the show gets canceled?

Aug 08 11 at 3:15 pm

They should have had him go through a sex change...could have been more work for Demi!
And yes, there is a resemblance.

Aug 08 11 at 3:18 pm
mr. man

this show is horrible, crude, and mindless. it tells you a lot about america that it's so fucking popular.

Aug 08 11 at 10:15 pm

Oddly enough, it's one of those shows that apparently draws in a lot of views but no one says they watch. I seriously had no idea the show was still in production before the Charlie Sheen personal drama became media fodder.

Aug 11 11 at 3:37 pm

I don't watch the show habitually (I don't watch any sitcom regularly actually), but I have found myself sucked into the occasional rerun when channel surfing. I think the only time I have watched an entire episode was on a plane when I had finished the only book I had with me. It was hilarious - the kid recounts his view of the events of a weird holiday weekend as a school report, with the actual events shown in flashback. I get very tired of the constant bashing of the show just because Sheen is no longer "cool" (well because he's a total dick I guess). At my age I actually don't give a fuck what is considered "cool" any more. Anyone who has seen how I dress will testify to the truth of that statement.

Aug 08 11 at 10:54 pm
el profe

So, uh, how's the view from the high horse there, everyone?

Aug 09 11 at 2:17 am

Amazing. I don't have to watch shit shows with Charlie Sheen et al.

Aug 08 11 at 11:59 pm

Sounds like Chuck Lorre's final revenge on Sheen, making his character die horribly.

Aug 09 11 at 10:18 am

they should just end the show...I feel like this whole Ashton Kutcher thing is just a giant "jump of the shark!" C'mon the folks it's done, you had a really good run, now end it, with some fucking dignity!

Aug 09 11 at 11:07 am

Yeah, they'll never be able to get back to their place at the pinnacle of art and comedy.

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