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Facebook fan numbers accurately predict election results

It's news that should be kind of obvious but still somehow feels surprising: according to Facebook's "political team," candidates who had more fans on the social networking site than their opponents won their actual elections overall. (So not only did they lose, but they also are super unpopular and probably won't even be asked to the spring formal.) Here are the numbers:

The Facebook political team's initial snapshot of 98 House races shows that 74% of candidates with the most Facebook fans won their contests. In the Senate, our initial snapshot of 19 races shows that 81% of candidates with the most Facebook fans won their contests.

As I said, this really shouldn't be shocking — candidates who have more people who like them get more people to vote for them?! — but I think we often consider becoming a fan of someone on Facebook to be something of an empty, half-hearted political gesture. Not to mention that it's notoriously difficult to get younger people to vote and Facebook has a whole lot of them.

But now that Facebook has become so prominent, and so much more than the easiest way to stalk a cute guy from your Biology class, I guess it's time to reconsider.

Comments ( 5 )

Great, does this mean politicians are going to start sending me annoying gaming requests in exchange for their votes now in addition to the postcards I burn in my fire-pit and the annoying robocalls I shout harsh words at?

Joe commented on Nov 04 10 at 4:48 pm

Great, does this mean politicians are going to start sending me annoying gaming requests in exchange for their votes now in addition to the postcards I burn in my fire-pit and the annoying robocalls I shout harsh words at?

Joe commented on Nov 04 10 at 4:49 pm

Why do I only see Republican ads on Facebook?

Jay commented on Nov 04 10 at 4:54 pm

Hmmm...that is interesting. Of course, in one very large race right here in California, Brown won in spite of this, so im not tooo sureeee.

Ted Welch commented on Nov 04 10 at 4:59 pm

It said this was the case for 74% of the races. Not all of the time.

Hey commented on Nov 04 10 at 6:12 pm

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