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Hokusai Kanagawa

AT&T is now offering free service from the US and Puerto Rico to Japan between now and the end of the month. They may have been recently joined by Verizon and other large carriers. For more on how technology and social media are helping out in the disaster area, go here. 

Most people, when faced with the choice between driving a flaming oil rig out of a gas station and running as hard as they could, would turn and book it. The man I now call "Turkish Jack Bauer" chose the truck.

In addition, most people with souls would know that making fun or taking advantage of the Sendai Tsunami is not okay. Here is a list of seven people or groups that probably don't. Spoiler: Glenn Beck is on this list.

People who don't realize they're on camera do the the most ridiculous things. Watch this police woman make the funniest face of all time after giving an interview. She looks like she sharted.

Last, but certainly not least, here's a list of the ten fattest criminals of all time committing the fattest crimes of all time. When you have successfully become too fat for jail, it's time to cut back to thirteen or fourteen meals a day.

Comments ( 3 )

Mar 15 11 at 9:43 am

And yet, it is Gilbert Godfrey who spews out the first idiotic jokes about the earthquake and tsunami.

Mar 15 11 at 3:47 pm

Haha, I agree. How silly.

Mar 15 11 at 2:35 pm

Wouldn't that include the website that uses the tsunami to make jokes about who might make inappropriate comments about it?

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