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I Did It For Science: Nude Housecleaning by Rev. Jen Miller
Cleaning up by getting dirty. /regulars/
Dating Confessions by You
"I just got friend-broken-up-with over AIM."
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
Help! My crazy ex is blogging about me. /advice/
My Ten Favorite Fetishes by Kris Saknussem
A lifelong sex researcher on his most unusual discoveries. /personal essays/
Dating Advice From . . . Gay Mexicans by Meghan Pleticha
Q: My girlfriend laughs a lot during sex. What's her deal? A: Sex is like an Adam Sandler movie. Some people laugh and some people walk out of the theater and ask for their money back.
Delectable Diorama by Alexander Bergström
An exquisite dialogue of bodies and backgrounds. /photography/
Losing It by Rebecca Golden
At age thirty-five, I shed 300 pounds. Next up: my virginity.


The Terminator hits theaters. Audiences delight in Arnold’s schnitzelbach, Michael Biehn’s chiseled butt, and Linda Hamilton’s coif. Key moment: a sultry John Connor conception scene.


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The Informers
In Theaters April 24th
Based on the Novel by Brett Easton Ellis
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