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    Video: Store Clerk Beats Up Armed Robber With No Fear

    picture-15I'm not sure if this guy is actually a super hero, or if he thought it was one of his friends messing with him, but either way it's pretty impressive how he casually walked up to this armed gunman and proceeded to beat the crap out of him with no fear!

    [via Break]

    Comments ( 5 )

    where is this from?

    booya commented on Sep 11 09 at 10:30 am

    I was held up in high school when I worked as a cashier, and I just cried afterward. DAMN.

    ter commented on Sep 11 09 at 10:42 am

    Whatever. You can tell that armed robber's an amateur. Dude even stayed in the store, just hanging out like if he didn't know what to do next besides run out. " how's the store clerking business going for y'all?"

    Guy Caballero commented on Sep 11 09 at 11:03 am

    Looked like he was hanging around because the clerk had the gun on him, and the other clerk had 911 on the phone.

    Jeff commented on Sep 11 09 at 12:49 pm

    some convenient stores lock the doors if they are being robbed so the robber couldn't get out. or the guy coulda been holding the gun to him till the cops came.

    Emily commented on Sep 12 09 at 2:02 am

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