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    This Week In Sex: Spain's Lovelies

    Lily Donaldson

    A mining industry campaign features a topless Ashley Judd and the tagline: "Ashley Judd makes a living removing her top, why can't coal miners?"

    That idiot Governor in Hawaii who voted against gay marriage pulled the incest card in her explanation -- which doesn't even make sense, since it's not illegal to marry a relative there.

    If you're going to prison, why would you bring Viagra with you?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this story of a Michigan teacher charged with 29 sex crimes seems to indicate that the state might try make it illegal to have sex with an 18-year-old.

    There's no point in banning your fifth-grader from sex ed classes, since his classmates will talk of nothing else in the cafeteria for the rest of the year.

    This article is amazing: "They found that being the biggest and brashest male doesn't always win you mating rights. Among weaver fish, for example, it is good fathers, the ones who will take care of the fry, who get the girl. Females don't always conform to type either. The female bean weevil, for instance, would rather drink her mate's ejaculate than use it to fertilise her eggs."

    Forget Amy Winehouse's nipple slip here -- how did we miss that tat on her other boob? That, plus Clara Lago and other topless beauties in V and some more, including Eniko Mihalik, on a series of its covers. Enjoy.

    Clara Lago

    Leticia Z

    Marina Perez

    Sheila Marquez

    Eniko Mihalik

    Commentarium (2 Comments)

    Jul 09 10 - 4:00pm

    At least these ladies have an ounce of meat on their bones.

    Jul 09 10 - 4:19pm
    too soon?

    i'll give 'em an ounce

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