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Mystery-filled viral campaign already in place for "Battle: Los Angeles"

Did I say "mystery-filled"? I meant overwrought; an overwrought viral campaign is already in place for the Aaron Eckhart and Michelle Rodriguez film Battle: Los Angeles, due out March 2011. The film is based off of real life extraterrestrial sightings around Los Angeles and that's the sort of DEFCON: ALIENS vibe the marketing team is shooting for. (The film's site is

You can read their mission statment in the "Who We Are" section, check out very real published articles in other languages, hear actors recite lines about alien encounters, or listen to an expert prove other-wordly existence by invoking the first testament and the Dead Sea scrolls.

Rigorous viral marketing campaigns are standard fare today (Paranormal Activity, Cloverfield, everything) but I don't appreciate Columbia Pictures making a joke out of Homeland Security. (Kidding, I do appreciate it. ) I just hope the movie is camp enough to make it work, or good enough to make us forget.

Via FilmDrunk

Comments ( 4 )

Are there really that many real life extraterrestrial sightings in Los Angeles to make a movie?
Schwabadab commented on Jul 22 10 at 2:14 pm
me and viral marketing also have a love/hate relationship.
Dennisthemenace commented on Jul 22 10 at 2:26 pm
Wait, so is this post promoting their viral promotion?
867yeah commented on Jul 22 10 at 2:28 pm
ah, the timeless struggle between good camp/bad camp
noodle commented on Jul 22 10 at 4:09 pm

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