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Tools of Seduction: Delicious Derriere

Posted by Laureen Mahler

Being a girl of ample, um, backside, I have to say that I appreciate admirers of the derriere. And what better tool of seduction than accenting that very enviable lady part? So here are four ways that you can maximize your gluteus maximus:

[$78, SupermarketHQ] 

Diana has already introduced you to the hipster fanny pack, which is basically a sleek, stylish version of the classic fanny pack. Needless to say, it's an exellent way to accentuate your backside.

[$32, Blushing Buyer]

I hate to say it, but an offiicial Bumpaddle is hard to come by these days. That said, you can get your hands on this effective and hilarious ouch paddle, which features convenient backwards letters. In case, you know, you can't read your spanking in reverse.

[$43, Japan Trend Shop]

Want to keep your junk looking choice? There is no better solution than Japan Trend Shop, which (of course) features a chair cushion made to ensure lasting beauty for your derriere. Basically, this cushion guarantees perfect posture, which properly aligns your spine and pelvis, thus working out your butt muscles while you sit around going about your business. 

[$193-$405, Nona de Samim]

Finally, if you've got the goods, why not show 'em off? French designer Nona de Samim has created the perfect lingerie for just such a showcase. These buttless pantaloons provide a sultry background for your essential curves, but they certainly don't come cheap. 

How this will get you laid: Derrieres are indeed one of life's overlooked pleasures, so why not accentuate the positively delectable?

Related: Tools of Seduction: Highlighting Your Assets, Don't Criticize My Butt, This Underwear Really Makes an Impression 



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