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Missing Video of the Day: Lindsay Lohan Sex Tape

Posted by Brian Fairbanks

We're suprisingly still interested in seeing Lindsay Lohan have hot amateur sex, despite the off-putting details of her sex life and what parts we've already seen.

Unfortunately, this sex tape may turn out to fall by the way of the Kristin Davis one: a rumor or someone who looks like a starlett and is in fact a chubby phony. Calum Best himself laughed off rumors of a tape featuring him and LiLo:

[T]he 27-year-old's representative says, "Sorry to disappoint you, but it's not Calum in the tape." [Starpulse]

However, if you read further, it turns out he's only denying that it's him in the recording. Does that mean we'll one day see Lohan in the buff, dt'ing some other random douche and doing other inappropriate shit for a star of multiple Disney movies? 

These are not, as previously reported, screencaps from the unreleased video, should it exist. The below pictures, however, are some shots to tide you over, you pervs:

Above Photo: Bert Stern 

Previously: We're Done Thinking of Lindsay Lohan As Marilyn Monroe.



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About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
