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80s Cartoon Moments That Made You Pee Your Ninja Turtle Footie Pajamas

Posted by Nicole Pasulka

Here is a list of the most disturbing and tramatizing cartoon moments of the 80s. And yes, Seaspray from Transformers falling in love with a mermaid is there right alongside the naked Thundercats. But the thing that terrified us beyond belief as children is missing from this list. We have diligently tracked down this thing that kept us awake and shaking at night and embeded after the jump...for the sake of the children, of course.

This clip from Rainbow Brite just happens to be the first Rainbow Brite clip we found on YouTube. We weren't looking for it specifically, but you know what? It's fucking scary, because that whole show was fucking scary. We used to think that Murky and Lurky lived in our closet and waited until we fell asleep to carry us away and clearly shit like this is why. What the fuck are they doing to Moonglow? Why do they have her tied up like a torture victim? Where the Hell were our mothers when this shit was terrifying the crap out of us? Oh God, we need a cookie and a nightlight.



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