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Bush Obsessed With Waving His Magic Wand

Posted by Katie Halper

President Bush is displaying classic signs of penis envy magic wand envy.  When asked about the rising price of gasoline at a press conference on Thursday, the President referred to his magic wand three times, saying  "if there was a magic wand to wave, I’d be waving it, of course.... I think that if there was a magic wand, and say, okay, drop price, I’d do that. … But there is no magic wand to wave right now." Video after the jump.

Bush's obsession with waving his own wand is deep rooted and his belief that his magic wand would make him more potent can be traced back to 2005 when he exclaimed "I wish I could simply wave a magic wand and lower gas prices tomorrow; I’d do that." A year later, Bush said, "I wish I could just wave a magic wand and lower the price at the pump; I’d do that.” Conversely, when Bush's wand is present and displayed in a codpiece, as is the case when Bush wears his Mission Accomplished costume (shown above), the President displays confidence and comfort.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that Bush's magic wand envy may be endemic to the Bush Administration. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman, for example, acknowledged the President's magic wand envy: "let me assure you that if the President had a magic wand that could lower prices, he would do it!” And Bodman seems to have caught his own case of wand envy: "I wish there was a magic wand that I could wave that would lower gas prices. But I can’t."



LydiaSarah said:

It seems like everybody has finally gotten fed up with the magic wand business all at once. The Daily Show had a really funny sketch on this subject last night. Personally, the thing that amazes me about it is that he was going on about the magic wand that he didn't have in his 2000 campaign--and I remember being like "are you serious?" back then. It's been 8 years, George. We know you have a very limited vocabulary but do you think you could at least get your speech writers to come up with a new ludicrous metaphor for you?

To quote a close friend of mine "There's no magic wand because there's never a magic wand--because there's NO SUCH THING as a magic wand!"

May 3, 2008 4:05 AM

Mark said:

Well it's a known fact Dubya is a fan of Harry Potter...

True story.

May 5, 2008 2:45 AM
