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PET Scans Reveal Women's Emotions Shut Down During Orgasm

Posted by Bryan Christian


Ladies, any of y'all care to comment about this? Seems like a weird assertion to make, even after reading the science involved. Actually, we once got with a girl who erupted into fits of laughter when she came; surely that couldn't have been a function of emotionlessness.

Wait, hang on -- she was really coming, right? Right?



Emily Farris said:

Yeah and the parts of our brains that deal with bills, and work and the fact that we forgot to buy cat litter also shut down. Emotions are thoughts, and who can have clear thoughts during an orgasm? Isn't part of the reason behind having orgasms to clear our minds of such things?

May 20, 2008 12:19 AM

remremrem said:

All this study proves is that neuroscientists spend too much time in the lab and not enough time in bed.

May 20, 2008 9:23 AM

meganco said:

Science journalism-- they're doing it wrong!

IMHO, The results of the study don't seem that close to the headline of the i09 story.  The actual science just says that men and women both have the same kind of neurological response in their emotion centers during orgasm.  No need for the ladies to comment specifically, I'd say.

May 20, 2008 7:39 PM

About Bryan Christian

Bryan Christian has worked as a writer for Epicurious, GenArt and ID magazine; a web producer for WWD and Condé Nast; and a cameraman for his friends. He's married and lives in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn.
