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7 Tips For Getting Knocked Up

Posted by Brian Fairbanks


Or... if you're like us.. you're trying not to get somebody pregnant... either way, these tips are important to remember...

-The more you know about your menstrual cycle, the easier it will be for you to pinpoint your most fertile days

-You're at your most fertile during the five days leading up to and the 12 hours following ovulation.

-Researchers have found that a suction effect is created when the female partner achieves orgasm, something that causes the cervix to draw sperm into the vagina more efficiently.

Great. As if guys need another reason not to bring a woman to orgasm. (Of course, if you're trying to have a baby, ignore this ignorant remark.)

-Avoid vaginal sprays, scented tampons and artificial lubricants, all of which may interfere with your babymaking plans.

-It's a good idea to remain in a horizontal position for at least five minutes after you've finished making love.

-Studies have shown that it takes normal, fertile couples an average of six months to conceive, and most doctors consider anything up to one year to be well within the range of normal.

You can read more from author Ann Douglas, including more detailed explanations of the above, at this site.



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profrobert said:

I have to put in a plug for Instead (which is a menstual cup) used as a kind of reverse diaphragm. Mix that with ClearBlueEasy, and you have a great recipe for getting pregger (worked the first month we tried it).

August 11, 2008 4:35 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
