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Do Ten Shots Every Time Biden Mentions Indians And 7-11

Posted by Brian Fairbanks

We know the debate is tomorrow, but we wanted to tell you about MIT's hilarious drinking game (this one, unlike the previous incarnation, is actually doable) so you can stock up now on select booze... or Slurpee's... which is, of course, bigot Biden's favorite beverage...

Professor Robert alerted us to the Vice Presidential Debate drinking game... because you know you're going to need to be very, very loose to sit through all that insanity. In fact, we're betting that John McCain is going to be so nervous, he'll lose a vodka drinking contest to himself before you-know-who, the Republican VP nominee (in case you haven't noticed, I, Scanner Brian, have decided to refrain from further mentioning her already-overexposed name) even gets to answer any questions with total silence.

Here are some of the better ideas from those smarty pantses at MIT:

When Biden begins the “I take the train home everyday story” being drinking. Don’t stop ’till he finishes.

When Biden makes an obvious gaffe: Spill your neighbor’s drink

When Biden patronizes or self identifies with the working class: Down some brew (Bonus points if you use Miller Highlife)

Every time [SP] cites Alaska’s proximity to Russia as “foreign policy experience”: Take a shot of vodka

When Palin claims she said “Thanks but no thanks” to the Bridge to Nowhere: Demand a new drink from your hosts, say “thanks but no thanks,” and then when no one’s looking, take it anyway, then claim you never wanted it.

The rest are here. We personally think you're going to need a lot of vodka for this one... especially if you're a Democrat. The expectations for She Who Must Not Be Named that she can't possibly lose this... think about it.



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The Entertainer said:

I wonder who is going to make more dumb statements, Biden or Palin.  At first I thought Palin was the pinhead until I heard about Biden's Roosevelt comment.  :)

October 2, 2008 1:33 AM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
