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The 15 Most Promiscuous Countries

Posted by Brian Fairbanks



Not this time... and that's a welcome change. After all, aren't you beyond bored with the perennial sex surveys that trash our Puritan nation's filthy, condom-buying pervs? Not this time: suck it, Australia, Germany, and the rest!

But not literally, of course, since we're prudes compared to you guys...

Here are the Top 15, according to research published in this week's New Scientist by a professor at Bradley University:

1. United Kingdom

2. Germany

3. Netherlands

4. Czech Republic

5. Australia

6. USA

7. France

8. Turkey

9. Mexico

10. Canada

11. Italy

12. Poland

13. Spain

14. Greece

15. Portugal

The survey queried 14,000 people in 48 countries on their life's worth of sex partners and one night stands, plus a respondent's general attitude toward casual sex and getting it on in general. Particularly interesting is this excerpt from a story about this story in the Times:

The high scores in many Baltic and eastern European states might be linked, Schmitt said, to the fact that women outnumber men and so are under more pressure to conform to what men want in order to find a mate. In Asian countries, by contrast, men tend to outnumber women slightly, so it is men who have to conform. 

That doesn't sound very scientific to us, but we'll take it...



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jenny said:

I believe.  I'm endlessly amazed at how unaware people here in the UK are about STIs and pregnancy and such.  It has the highest teen pregnancy rate in western europe and you just walk around any town and you'll see hundreds of little girls pushing strollers with babies in them.  Whenever they talk on the news about the teen pregnancy situation, they never EVER mention contraception or education.

December 1, 2008 11:04 AM

Canadian Transplant said:

Just another reason why the West is finished.  See everything that happened to America over the last several decades?  See how decadent and brainwashed the Americans became?  Guess what, it's about to hit Europe.  After 25 years of studying sociology I can guarantee you one thing:  Europe is next.

December 2, 2008 10:45 PM

About Brian Fairbanks

Brian Fairbanks, the Senior National Political Correspondent for Hooksexup, is a filmmaker living in Brooklyn or New Orleans, depending on the season. He is a heavily-armed advocate of gun control.
