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  • Police Officer Busted For Trading Speeding Ticket For Sex


    You drive a Lexus and instead of paying for a speeding ticket you bribe a police officer with sex?

    Damn, they must have some harsh penalties for speeding in California...


  • Quickies Are The Way To Do It, Say Scientists

    Turns out Sting and his wife Trudie Styler have been doing it all wrong. Researchers claim that according to a survey of health and wellness professionals, short bursts of sex are the most satisfying overall. Ha, Sting, ya big dummy.

    Penn State Erie researchers Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani conducted a survey of 50 full members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, which include psychologists, physicians, social workers, marriage/family therapists and nurses who have collectively seen thousands of patients over several decades.

    Thirty-four, or 68 percent, of the group responded and rated a range of time amounts for sexual intercourse, from penetration of the vagina by the penis until ejaculation, that they considered adequate, desirable, too short and too long.

    The average therapists’ responses defined the ranges of intercourse activity times: "adequate," from 3-7 minutes; "desirable," from 7-13 minutes; "too short" from 1-2 minutes; and "too long" from 10-30 minutes.

    What do you guys think about this? Are you getting the "right" amount of loving?

    Hey, more importantly: anyone wanna see Sting's penis? It's not related or anything, we just, you know, were Googlin' "Sting" and "Tantric Sex" and it kept popping up. As it were. Well, don't just stand there -- click on through!

