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  • Cats in Wigs are Freaking Awesome

    Earlier this week, our former compatriot Scanner Sarah (hey, do we have to call her Salon Sarah now?) dropped us a line about the Octodog, a magical device used to turn hotdogs into shellfish, which we loved but weren't sure was an actual thing anymore since every reference we could find to it dated from, like, 2003 and mentioned how disappointing the Matrix sequels were and how exciting presidential candidate Howard Dean was. So, unfortunately, the Octodog didn't actually make it on to the site.

    Cut to last night, and our wife, who hearts Salon Sarah big time, goes "I want to show you a site, but you have to promise to read it all the way through before groaning, and you have to promise to send it to Sarah, because we know she would heart it big time." And we did, and we did, and we agree, so here we go: Salon Sarah, may we proudly present cats wearing glamour wigs. Do you heart them?
