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  • Oldest Piece of Art Determined to Be Pornographic

    Archeologists may have found the oldest piece of "art" in existence: A sculpture of Venus de Milo dating back 35,000 years ago. That's approximately 5,000 years before the next Venus knockoffs! So what were the standards for a perfect woman back in the day?



  • I Hate Myself for Loving You: Cavemen


    Until today, nobody knew I watched Cavemen except my husband, and he makes me watch it when he’s out of town. Maybe my dirty secret has something to do with the fact that I love fuzzy dudes. Not quite as much as A Bear’s Life subscribers, but I do have a year-round campaign for my man to grow a beard. Still, I enjoy escaping into easy-joke land after all the other heaviness on TV this year. Perhaps it’s just my fetish talking, but I don’t understand all the hate.

    Yes, a concept from a television commercial seems like a horrible idea, and there was all that neg talk about the pilot having to be re-worked over and over. And yes the show is on ‘hiatus’, which is probably just code for, ‘We’re not canceling it until we know how much this writers strike is going to screw us.’ But come on! Joel, Nick and Andy are adorably unaffected and I love this idea of an alternate reality where cavemen (and maybe even dinosaurs!) live among us but not in a frightening Land of the Lost kind of way. The jokes about ‘all cavemen looking alike’ and the guys working against the man at the local Scandinavian furniture store….All right fine, so it’s weak. But you’re going to be begging for it come January when all we’ve got are shows like this.

  • Pretty Soon We'll All Have Boy AND Girl Parts

    Okay, probably not so soon, but according to Wired, Mormons humans are evolving faster than ever.

    In the study, researchers analzyed [sic] genomes from 270 people belonging to four disparate ethnic groups: Han Chinese, Africa's Yoruba tribe, Japanese and Utah Mormons. By comparing areas of difference and similarity, they determined that about seven percent of the genome has undergone significant change since the end of the last Ice Age...

    "Evolution is a double-edged sword," he said. "What evolution cares about is that I have more offspring. If you can do it by charming and manipulating, and I'm a hardworking farmer that's going to feed the kids ten years down the road, then you're going to win. Hit-and-run, irresponsible males are reproducing more. That isn't good for anyone except those males, but that's evolution."

    What we gather this means for us ("us" being humankind, not "us" as in Scanner Bryan and Scanner Emily) is that all the babies we accidentally make will quickly evolve to endure the world that we will have destroyed with Global Warming. Or maybe we can start making human-robot hybrid babies. That would be cool.

    [Via Wired
