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Enter the Moviedrome

Posted by Peter Smith

British cineastes love Alex Cox for his BBC series Moviedrome, which highlighted cult films. Until its demise in 1994, it was required viewing on a Sunday night, when Cox would pop up and introduce a couple of short films that he felt were neglected, interesting or screwed-up. This was when "cult" didn't have that sniffy sense of intellectual superiority. A lot of filmmakers cite Cox's excellent Moviedrome introductions as kicking off their interest in cinema. Unseen since their original broadcast, they've now popped up on YouTube. The very first Moviedrome introduction, above, for The Wicker Man, also features Cox's definition of cult. Others have included Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Halloween, a film he's reluctant to praise. Hopefully his more enthusiastic intros to Mishima, The Parallax View and Django will make it onto the net soon. — Faisal A. Qureshi


That Fuzzy Bastard said:

I am thrilled to see Cox's Moviedrome intros online---I'm a big fan (I think his WALKER is one of the most underrated films of the decade).  Among other things, I'm amused to see that even when doing his best BBC voice, Cox's mouth twists into a Joe Strummer sneer.

November 13, 2007 4:40 PM