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Trailer Review: Hancock

Posted by John Constantine

Superhero movies. Now that is novel! I kid, I kid. In light of the fact that filmed superhero fiction has more cultural currency today than it ever has (in both film and television), it’s interesting to observe the diversification of the genre over the past five years across movies like Sky High, parody trash like Epic Movie, and now Will Smith’s summer vehicle Hancock. In superheroes’ native soil of comics, the down and out, irascible hero who undergoes a change of heart on the road to destiny is old hat. But it’s a treat to see it get the big budget treatment. Watching Will Smith drunkenly bumble across the California skyline is entertaining even in this small dose so Hancock is looking promising as a two hour investment. It’s also nice to see Jason Bateman getting back to making people laugh after his skeevy turn in Juno. You guys remember that movie?



eurrapanzy said:

this might be incredible.  it also might end up being a poor substitute for iron man.  i hope that's not the case.

April 24, 2008 11:16 PM

sean said:

what's up with that black screen at the end?  i know it's supposed to 'help Youtube process HD audio and video' - but how?

April 25, 2008 10:29 AM

John Constantine said:

Youtube needs a full 9 minutes of a blank screen to both process HD and make us all feel like we're wasting even more of our lives on the site. They just care so much!

April 25, 2008 12:36 PM