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Trailer Review: Burn After Reading (Red-Band Trailer)

Posted by Paul Clark

New Coen Brothers trailer. Whaddya need, a road map? And while the Coens’ flat-out comedies have been somewhat subpar of late (hello- The Ladykillers), these are also the guys who made The Big Lebowski, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and Raising Arizona. And that cast! Clooney, McDormand, Malkovich, Swinton, Jenkins, Simmons… but the scene-stealer in the trailer is Brad Pitt, messing with his himbo image to uproarious effect. I’ve got high hopes for this one- even if it’s not great, it promises to at least be hilarious.



Brandon said:

looks awesome, but now I'm trying to think if there are ANY coen movies that don't involve all the lead characters chasing after a bag of money.

June 2, 2008 1:38 PM