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Trailer Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Posted by Paul Clark

Why is it that so many remakes of classic films don’t bother to recapture what made the original films special? Part of the problem is that Robert Wise’s The Day the Earth Stood Still was very much a film of its time, taking place in the years following WWII and as the Cold War was beginning in earnest. Yet what really makes it work is the everyday-ness of the film’s world, taking place not among scientists and doctors but in single-parent families and rooming houses. Of course, it’s hard to imagine the story playing out in a contemporary as it did in the original film, in which Klaatu more or less walked around undetected for most of the film, and I’m not sure I can think of a way to make the story translate smoothly into today’s world. Perhaps the best solution would have been to not make the film at all. Also, where’s Gort?



adam christ said:

looks awesome.  primarily because most scientists look just like jennifer connelly and keanu reeves is known for his otherworldly intellect.

July 9, 2008 12:10 PM

Janet said:

There looked to be a flash of Gort at the very end.  That was the only thing that looked even slightly interesting to me.

July 9, 2008 1:21 PM

bulges said:

That was disappointing. This might be seen by 5% of the people who will see The Dark Knight. Five if they're lucky.  

July 10, 2008 5:37 AM