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Trailer Review: JCVD

Posted by Paul Clark

When it was announced that a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie was going to be playing at Toronto this year, it came as something of a surprise. Yet the reviews for JCVD were mostly positive, and I must say that this trailer is kind of a hoot. I suppose it was inevitable that the Muscles From Brussels would eventually make a movie that kids his image (what, doesn’t Double Team count?), but for something Van Damme would make this one looks pretty clever, a kind of Dog Day Afternoon meets Being John Malkovich, except, you know, with Van Damme. I suppose it helps that I watched all of JCVD’s “Classics” with my dad back in the day, so I’m pretty much the ideal audience member for this. But still, I’m actually looking forward to a Van Damme movie, for the first time in, well, ever.



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