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Guy Ritchie Goes Gay (Not That There's Anything Wrong With That)

Posted by Andrew Osborne

So, as cool as Obama’s victory was, California’s decision to enshrine anti-gay discrimination in its freakin’ constitution was a definite buzzkill for progressives (not to mention George Takei)...

...but the gay community (and the breeders who love them) can take heart that at least one former homophobe is doing his best to become a card-carrying Friend of Dorothy.

I speak, of course, of fake badass Guy Ritchie, a man whose “pride in his own heterosexuality swells noticeably when he’s in the presence of a gay man” like Christopher Ciccone, who noted the director’s off-putting fondness for “poofter” jokes in his tell-all dish-ography Life With My Sister Madonna.

And yet, after years of sex with the mannish, muscular Material Girl (which he famously described as “cuddling up to a piece of gristle”), Ritchie seems to have developed a bit more sympathy for the gay (and, perhaps, transgendered) much so that he actually included a sympathetic homosexual character (in addition to the usual subconscious homoerotic subtext) in his latest film, RockNRolla, wherein small-time hoodlum Handsome Bob (Tom Hardy) comes out of the closet and his mate One Two (Gerard Butler) gets all weird about it ‘til he discovers his other mates already know and don’t really give a shit.

“I think it’s just an issue that I’m trying to get over,” Richie admitted in a recent interview, adding that he’s “coming to grips with his sexuality” now that it looks like he may finally get to have enjoyable sex again with new girlfriend Kelly Reilly, star of his upcoming film Sherlock Holmes.

So that’s one British homophobe down, 5,387,939 ignorant California voters to go!

Related Stories:
Trailer Review: RockNRolla
Embattled Guy Ritchie “Caught Up in the Zeitgeist of Slaggery”



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