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-Thank you for this article I needed to read it to know there were other women out there like myself.
I am one of those women who have had three abortions, and while I was not ashamed at all the first time around, secrecey and shame surround my other two.

-I identified with so much of this article. When asked to justify my first abortion I always used the argument that it was far better as a sixteen year old girl to terminate my pregnancy than to bring up a child in the conditions we would live in as a result of my age and inadequecy.

-However as I got older and supposedly more mature it was harder to hold to my convictions as I terminated two more pregnancies, one of them with a man I thought I was going to marry. To tell you the truth that abortion might have helped abort the relationship as well. I felt so ashamed that I could not control my reproduction effectively, I truely felt like I was only owed one mistake. and after that I was just a horrible and selfish human being unable to take responsibility for my own actions.

-While reading this article did not take my sense of guilt completely away it made me feel better that there are others out there who have experienced this phenomena. And it truely renewed my conviction that to abort a child is to save it from being born to parents that can't give it their 100%. Raising children is a full time task that should be honored and taken very seriously they deserve all your time and attention and if you can't give them that then I say don't bother. We already have enough children who are not being raised properly, who grow up to be incomplete adults, who then in turn shape our world, think about the long run here people. It takes a life time to fix the mistakes of a parent who wasn't ready and did a shoddy job, I should know I am one of those children now a struggling, healing adult.

-So that is why, even though I struggled with choice to either leave just my member name or my profile name when posting this comment; I say "HEAR! HEAR!," to this article once again.
There is a lot of shame and if we talk more about it maybe the light will out weigh the pain.

  • posted by karmababie on 11/21/2005 10:01:33 PM
  • Hooksexup personals profile: HeatherBeth