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A Special Extremely Comprehensive NEWS Team Report
5/18/2007 10:00:00 PM

The Hooksexup Video Blog has a new favorite news show. You won't miss a beat - because this News has reporters to cover every single one of them.

Go ahead and watch it.


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Even more logrolling in our time.
5/18/2007 6:14:32 PM

Hey! I judged The Hooksexup Amateur Photo Contest this month. ...And apparently, Jenny judged it two months ago. She never would have told you about this, because she's incredibly modest like that. I, however, am not incredibly modest like that.

...And that's the end of any logrolling for the forseeable future. Hope that you enjoyed it!


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Logrolling in our time.
5/18/2007 5:40:48 PM

Hey! My friend Kaui's first novel just came out. You should probably go buy it. I went to grad school with Kaui, and if I had known she was going to be famous, I would have spent a lot more time sucking up to her. The first time I ever randomly saw her writing in a bookstore, I screamed in jealous rage. Love you, Kaui!

Here's a link to a story that she wrote. Here's someone or other reading a passage from her novel. You can also buy her stuff at


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Like a poor marksman, the Top Three just keeps missing the target.
5/18/2007 12:01:00 PM

3) "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" -- Trailer and Khannnnnn!

What can I say about "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"? Except that it's a matchless work of genius. I don’t like anything else about “Star Trek,” but I love this fucking movie. When I was in grad school for writing, I found out that my professor had taught the guy who wrote it, and since I love Star Trek II, I asked her what he was like. "He was very fat," she said. So there you go.

So Star Trek II is the only science fiction movie written by a graduate of a creative writing program, and also the only science fiction movie to reference "A Tale of Two Cities," "Moby Dick," "The Waste Land," "Lord of the Flies," the myth of The Fisher King, and "From Ritual to Romance." There's probably some sort of connection there.

Anyway, what a great movie. Below is the trailer, to bring you up to speed, plus the famous scene where Kirk yells "Khannnnn!" Most people know about this, because it's been made fun of so many times. But I really like this exchange that's also in the scene.

Khan: ...Kirk? You are... still alive, my old friend?

Kirk: STILL. ALIVE. OLD. FRIEND. YouvemanagedtoKILL... justabouteveryone... else. But like a POOR MARKSman, you keep... on... missing... the target.

That always killed me. It's Ricardo Montalban with a fake prosthetic chest versus pudgy William Shatner in a battle of the overactors! I love it.

So here are the clips. Enjoy. By the way, the mind-controlling "ear bug" in this second clip gave me nightmares for years.

2) Animaniacs -- The Nations of the World

According to my Youtube history, this is the first video that I ever searched for. I still stand by that, I guess. This is also useful if you have a social studies quiz coming up.

1) Kitten in a box

Kittens love boxes, the same way that I love Keira Knightly. It's just a natural thing. ...By the way, I swore when I started writing this column that I would never use dumb home-video clips of people's pets. Amazing how one's principles get thrown out the window when you have a daily blog to update.


Yay! Special bonus "Wrath of Khan" crap. Below is a nine minute scene from the movie, plus a "Family Guy" parody of the death of Spock...

...So Star Trek II remains the only movie that ever ruined a date for me. My friend Bryon set up a date for me with this girl Anne, so I met her for a reading at the KGB bar in New York. And Anne turned out to be blond and cute. Unfortunately, one of the readings being given that night turned out to be two hipster guys from "McSweeney's," doing a postmodern parody of a DVD commentary to... you guessed it, "Star Trek II."

This is something that would only appeal to one person in the world, and unfortunately, that person is me.

So while the rest of the audience sat there in bored, weirded-out silence, I started laughing uncontrollably at the reading. I was laughing so hard that I was shaking. All the while, I was trying to say stuff to Anne like, "I'm sorry, I really don't like 'Star Trek.'", and, "I just happen to think that 'The Wrath of Khan' is a matchless work of genius," and, "Did you know that this movie references the myth of the Fisher King?"

I was laughing so hard, but at the same time I was incredibly pissed off, because I really DON'T like Star Trek, and yet the McSweeney's guys were doing the one reading that was guaranteed to make me crack up and look like an unredeemable nerd. They were also guaranteeing that Anne would never sleep with me, and as it turned out, she didn't.

So I never got to first base with Anne. So I ended up having sex with her friend instead. End of pointless anecdote.


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Death to the Top Three
5/17/2007 2:30:00 PM

3) "The Real Hustle": How To Get Free Drinks

Guaranteed to work as long as you look like a model, and have clearly visible TV cameras around you at all times.

2) Public Service Announcment (1974): Batgirl Demands Equal Pay!

Will Batgirl receive the same rights and pay as Batman and Robin? Tune in 33 years later... to find out that she won't. Holy institutionalized inequality!

1) "A Scanner Darkly" -- The Sins of Freck

Just to remind you that things could always be worse... "Your sins will be read to you ceaselessly, in shifts, throughout eternity." ...In my humble opinion, the worst sin of all is ever buying, or reading, "The Fountainhead."


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It's Sort of Like a Cuisinart
5/17/2007 2:00:00 PM

But it's actually more of a Queefinart.


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What Happens When The Police Confiscate Your Marijuana
5/17/2007 10:00:00 AM

When the police raid your home and find your stash, there's now proof that they're doing it for their own baking needs.

See here:


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Pretty Ricky Push It Auditions!
5/16/2007 5:26:00 PM

If you haven't auditioned yet, there's still time. Pretty Ricky has inspired dance moves around the world.

Let these be an inspiration to you:

And here's a version for all you bloggers out there. This is how Oliver and I write this thing, in case you were wondering.

--jenny p.

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Review of: TV shows that I used to watch as a kid
5/16/2007 11:00:00 AM

Scooby-Doo: Let's put aside the ha-ha Scooby and Shaggy are getting stoned and Fred wants to have sex with Daphne jokes and concentrate instead on the simple fact that this show sucked. The same thing happened every week! Lost spooky mansion/clearly bad guy farmer/split up/trap goes hilariously wrong/unmask bad guy who's not really a ghost after all. Come on! How about mixing it up a little? A second plot, maybe? Seriously, even "The Smurfs" didn't pull this kind of bullshit!

However, I do like the theme song of this show. As an added bonus, the musical keynote, "Scooby Doo: where are you?" neatly establishes an existential crisis at the heart of the show -- or, at the very least, a cris du coeur -- which the resounding refrain of "'Rover Rhere!" neatly solves. Or, um, whatever.

Also, I do like the episodes where Scoob and the gang are hanging out not with Batman and Robin or the Harlem Globetrotters, but with some completely obscure mid-70s television star: "Hey, check this out, gang! ...Holy cow, it's... Phyllis Diller!/ Conway Twitty!/ Rip Torn!"* Grade: C-plus

(*By the way, the above video totally rips off my "obscure 70s TV star joke," right down to using "Phyllis Diller" as a punch-line. Totally irritating. I didn't rip it off 'cause I didn't see the video until after I wrote this blog. I hate it when stuff like this happens. …One time in college, I was sitting in front of my dorm with my friend Sue, and her boyfriend who she was about to break up with walked by, and he didn't know that she was about to break up with him, and the movie "Dead Man Walking" had just come out, so I waited until he was past, and then said, sotto voice, in a Southern accent: "Dead man… walking."

And two weeks later "Saturday Night Live" did the exact same joke. And I was so mad! Sooooo mad! And I was like, "'Saturday Night Live' owes me money!" But I guess they really didn't.


Three's Company: I like two things about this show: One, that it was my favorite show when I was five. Two, that I clearly understood not a single thing that was happening on this show. I watch it now, and I'm like: Holy shit! Everyone's having threesomes! The Ropers are swingers! Larry is having anal sex! But at the time, I was like, "It's funny when Jack makes a pie and then Chrissy accidentally eats the pie." Grade: A

What's Happening!: Not to be confused with "What's Happening Now!", which was a clearly inferior spin-off. As with "Three's Company," I must have watched approximately 5,000 episodes of this show, with the key difference that with this show, I can't recall a single goddamn thing that happened. This was the one with "Rerun," right? He... wore a red beanie, am I right? And they were, like... black people who... did stuff? Clearly, what's happening is that I'm suffering from early long-term memory loss as a result of encroaching middle-age. That's what's happening, my friends. Heh. Grade: D

Hogan's Heroes: Nazis! So funny! Did I mention that I'm Jewish? Considering that this show not only spoofed the Third Reich, World War II, and National Socialism, but also featured a star (Bob Crane), who later on committed murder after it was revealed that he was a compulsive voyeuristic bi-sexual sex-addict, what's really puzzling to me is how you could come up with a sitcom that's any more offensive than this one. Maybe if you added some cannibals? Or some gang rape? Or how about O.J. Simpson, I hear he's available...* Grade: F

*An O.J. joke! I know; lame.

The Jeffersons: I feel like I can remember an episode of this where George punches Weezey in the head, but considering that I can barely recall a single character on "What's Happening!", perhaps I am not to be trusted... Still, spousal abuse. That's just not funny, even with a laugh track, and even if it didn't really happen... But hey! Remember the neighbor? The one with the mustache and a pipe? He was a riot, am I right? Grade: Blank.

The Smurfs: Still better than Scooby-Doo! As you may recall, the reason that Gargamel wanted to capture the Smurfs was because they represented the secret ingredient that would magically transform lead into gold. Question: wouldn't this make "the Smurfs" equally as valuable as gold, or at least, in an open market, proportionally valuable? Why even bother transforming them at all? In fact, hold on a second. I have to make a call to my broker. "Jimmy? Jimmy, it's Oliver. I need you to do something for me right now. Take all my money -- listen to me now, Jimmy -- I want you to take all my money out of Steel and put into Smurfs. Yah, you heard me. Good... Good.. . Okay. Smurfy. Done." There now. All finished. Now... where was I? Grade: B-plus

Duck Tales: This is a show that I refuse to make fun of. Scrooge McDuck, the richest duck in the word! Huey, Dewey, and Louie! Webby! Duckworth! The Beagle Boys! I watched this show well past any reasonable period of teenagerhood, and I refuse to feel lame about it for a second. "Duck Tales" rocks! Who wouldn't want to search for buried treasure every week with your rich uncle who owns three cubic acres of money? Plus I can quote the entire theme song from memory:

Life is like a hurri-cane
Here in Duck-burg!
Racecars, lasers, aero-planes!
It's a Duck-Blur!

...D-d-d-danger lurks behind you!
There's a stranger out to find you!
What you do is grab onto some Ducktales!

Whoo-hoo indeed, my friends. ...Whoo-hoo indeed. Grade: A-plus, natch.

Sesame Street: Of course I'm going to give an A-plus to Sesame Street... because I'm not some kind of insane soulless monster. (Note: "The Electric Company" would also get an A-plus, if I could remember anything funny to say about it. I'm not so sure about "Zoom!") So much of what I know about life comes from Sesame Street. For example; rubber ducky, he's the one. So true! And, "C is for Cookie; and that's good enough for me." And it really is. I pretty much begin and end right there.

Plus I don't even have some insane-Elmo hating problem the way most people seem to. Seriously, "what up" with all the Elmo-hatin', people? Okay, so he giggles a lot. Is that really a bad thing? I'll let you in on a little secret: Sesame Street wasn't exactly a dark, "no-holds-barred" look at the seedy underbelly of the world before Elmo came around. ...So maybe just learn to deal. It is, however, a crime that the Snuffalupagus is now visible to everyone, and I don't really want to talk about it.

However, this show often gave me a weird sense of depression. Maybe because it was too good. I would start to get the blues just by thinking about the fact that the "Letter and Number of the Day" were about to come on, and that the show would be over soon. Also, the theme song depressed me too. "Sunny day, chasin' the clouds away." ...I hear these words being sung, and suddenly, as a kid, I feel sad. Why is that? ...Wellll, to look at things in a Mallarméian sense -- ("I write the word 'flower,' and instantly one comes to me that is absent from all the world's gardens.") -- the fact that the "Sesame Street" kids are enjoying a perfectly sunny, cloudless day ...and the fact that I'm now imagining them doing this, means that now, by definition, the day I'm having can be neither as sunny or as cloudless as it once was, or as the "sunny day" of my imagination can ever be. So, um, there's that. Whoa. "Hey, Oliver, do you, like, do lots of drugs when you write these reviews or what?" Oh, I wish... Grade: A-plus!!!

Monty Python's Flying Circus: Which came on PBS at midnight, which was -- at least hypothetically -- far past my actual bedtime when I was kid. I imagine I'll get actual hate mail for saying this, but I just have a hard time grooving on "Monty Python." Just never could get into it. In fact, I kind of hate it. Oh, look! They're speaking in English accents! They're using the word "Bloody"! They're dressing up in women's clothing! Weird stuff is happening! Ah ha ha ha ha! Whoo! ...Could somebody shoot me in the stomach, please? There. That's better.*

And as for people who have actually memorized entire Monty Python sketches... I have an actual restraining order that says you're not allowed anywhere fucking near me. So get away! Get! Go on... shoo! Grade: D

(*...No seriously, am I missing something here? It's me, right? Is it me?)


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Welcome to the Summer of Self-Improvement!
5/15/2007 2:00:00 PM

Hi there, and welcome to the summer of self-improvement! Instead of just getting drunk and sleeping with girls this summer, I'll be working on my writing, as part of my effort to become more than just a goober who writes a video-blog. And so, all summer long, my best friend Tiffany and I will be posting excerpts from our upcoming memoir, tentatively entitled "We Wrote a Book (by Oliver and Tiffany)". Literary agents, you are on notice! Start your bidding now! Also, once the movie rights are sold, I'd like to be protrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal. Tiffany will play herself, via the use of age-defying make-up.

Before we start posting excerpts though, we thought that a little "getting-to-know-you" session was in order, and so we present our lists of the top ten or so best things about each other. Enjoy!


But before we even do that, since this is at least hypothetically a video-blog, here's a video which perfectly expresses our FRIENDS 4EVER-NESS:

And now, the lists...

A List of Things About My Best Friend, Tiffany

by Oliver

1) Once, when Tiffany was in Europe with her sister, she [***Whoops! Story deleted at Tiffany's request.***].

2) Kevin Spacey does not like Tiffany at all, and once accused her of stealing stuff from his house. Kevin Spacey does not like me either. Because he was very mean to both of us, and even though he was very good in "The Usual Suspects," I am outing him for the first time on any major website, as being gay.

3) She once described a group of kittens as looking like "little lions. No, wait, like little tiny cats." She also named her own kittens as follows: Kittens, Smittens, Mittens, and... Kittens (II), having run out of rhyming names there at the end.

4) She owns the high-score on every Ms. Pac-Man machine in Savannah, Georgia, and will periodically go back to Georgia to check up and make sure that she still has all the high scores.

5) During my (bad) speech that I gave during Tiffany's wedding, I described her as having a "subsurface layer made up entirely of lava." Not really sure why I did that now, and I wasn't even drunk when I gave the speech.

6) When she throws up, it sounds exactly like a cat throwing up.

7) And she trips and falls down a lot too. Eight times in a day once. And you know what? This isn't really a funny list. This is more like listening to some drunken person rambling on in a bar.

8) When she is a asleep, Tiffany sometimes has dreams that an evil spirit is entering her body, and she cries out for help while she's still asleep, in a deep, unearthly, man-ish kind of voice, and if you've ever been Tiffany's roommate, as I have, you'll know that this is an utterly fucking terrifying way to be woken up, and that there's nothing worse than hearing Tiffany's man voice.

9) When I turned 30 this year, Tiffany did not buy me a present, because she was too poor, but at my party, as her surprise present, she did a 10-minute synchronized-swimming performance with her sister, and at the end of it, they spelled out my name with their bodies, as follows: O-L-I-V-E-R.

10) She tried to convince me to stay in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina was coming, and if we had stayed we probably both would have been killed, but it probably still would have been fairly funny, somehow.


Tiffany's list of 11 good things about Oliver plus 3 bad things

by Tiffany

Oliver has been my best friend for over ten years, ever since he insulted my North Face jacket at some hipster party in D.C. I want to add that this party was held outside, in December and it was freezing. Sure, North Face jackets weren’t “cool” but really? Insults from a skinny nerd? A skinny nerd sketching in a notebook in the corner? I liked it.

Most people really didn’t understand our instant best-friendness, but I was able to look past the fact that he mumbled, couldn’t look anyone in the eye and wore Crisco in his hair in lieu of gel, leaving grease stains everywhere. Below are some of the good things about Oliver. And maybe some of the bad.


1. He never gets mad and he never yells. Ever. Except for four times in his entire life. All four times were at me. It’s so against his nature that after he does it he has to sit down and recover. Then he feels so guilty that he buys you a present. He’s good that way. He thinks he can buy love and friendship and it’s so true.

2. When he was nineteen, his girlfriend freaked out and started walking in the middle of a busy street in D.C., saying she was going to walk home…to Colorado. Oliver, acting on years of TV information, thought she was in shock so he slapped her hard across the face. She was SO mad. For some reason though, this story always makes me laugh. And I’m sure she got a present the next day.

3. He’ll pretty much move wherever I am if I beg and plead enough.

4. When we lived in Prague together (more on that later in the bad section) he ran out of money. When he was down to his last hundred dollars he worried and paced for an entire day. What would he do with the last of his money? How would he get home? How would he eat, etc.? The next morning he went into town to buy… a pair of designer eyeglasses for a hundred dollars. With clear plastic in the frames because he doesn’t actually need to wear glasses.

5. He was roommates with one of my boyfriends in Savannah. We went to Macon for Thanksgiving one year to eat at the boyfriend’s parent’s house. During the meal, one of his teeth fell out. He didn’t tell anyone, he just wrapped the tooth in a napkin then flushed it down the toilet.

6. He loves cheap crap as much, if not more, than I do. Show us an overpriced, chipped picture of cows on fabric or a Snoopy clock and we will fight over it. Once he bought an entire family of ceramic squirrels at an antique store and I was super jealous of his “find.” This happened every day.

7. If his date is going badly he will pretend he’s making a phone call and run out on the girl... and never come back. This happened all the time in New Orleans and as a result he was constantly ducking behind cars and hiding behind trees wherever we went.

8. We used to share clothes in Savannah. We went through this tiny t-shirt with ill-fitting pants phase. One time I was going to Canada and snuck into his room while he was sleeping to steal our favorite pair of bright green polyester pants. He woke up and a struggle ensued. He won and I cried the entire way to the airport. (This story would clearly go into a bad column about me if there were one.)

9. He’s the best on long road trips. Even ones taken in 110 degree weather with no air conditioning and no radio. We haiku about people we know, with each of us doing alternating lines, sing songs with German or Sean Connery accents, make up sitcoms, (What up Vicar?, My Pop the Pope, and Sarah Sarah Sarasota being a few) and when all else fails we Zen out by singing the Chili’s baby back rib song over and over.

10. He saved me from certain Little Matchstick Girl death in Holland when, super drunk and stumbling back to our room wearing a rubber tank top, I wanted to lie down and go to sleep in the soft, warm snowdrifts. Even though he was as drunk as me, he wisely convinced me it was a bad idea.

11. He was the only one who supported my decision to bring my crazy Norwegian European fling back to America with me. It turned out to be the worst decision I ever made, but still, he’s supportive.


1. If you trust Oliver to housesit for you, you will find several disgusting used condoms under your bed two months later.

2. He moved to New Orleans once before this last time but it didn’t stick. He showed up at three in the morning, I danced around with excitement that he was there for good and so did he. Faker. That night when I was at work he drove off and snuck back to Athens, Georgia to live with his ex-girlfriend. And ignored my angry calls for weeks.

3. He promised to move with me to Prague for a year right after I graduated from college. At the airport, he “turned." He became a humorless, surly brat and stayed that way for a month before he left me in Prague to fend for myself. Karma did get him back, his father was SO mad at him for going in the first place that Oliver was forced to get a live-in job at an Amish hotel in Pennsylvania for a year where he slowly went crazy. He also likes to pretend this whole period never happened and if I’m not around he will tell stories about his Prague adventures, which are actually stories about my Prague adventures.


Oliver's editorial comments (of course!)

good thing (2) ...actually it was my friend Nicole who drunkenly wanted to walk home from D.C. to Colorado; but my girlfriend was going to walk with her, so I slapped her. Good idea? Bad idea? It did stop them from walking to Colorado. ...And after that, as revenge, my girlfriend and Nicole both went and trashed all my stuff in my dorm room, which my roommates eagerly allowed them to do. I still think this was unfair.

good thing (6) ...I gave the squirrels to Tiffany, though. Later on they were re-gifted as a Christmas present to my sister's boyfriend.

good thing (8) ...the pants were actually brown, and were later destroyed by Tiffany in an attempt to make them "cooler" by turning them into "clamdiggers."

bad thing (2) ...this is totally true. I only had twenty dollars with which to make the 12 hour drive back to Georgia, so I slept in my car in an RV park, and ate an entire prepackaged Sweet Potato Pie for dinner. I don't recommend doing any of this, especially the Sweet Potato Pie part. Tiffany and I have been known to make bad eating decisions while fleeing places with no money. For instance, when we were fleeing from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck, I bought and ate a quarter-pound bag of Jelly Belly "Buttered Popcorn" flavored jelly beans plus a bottle of "Diet Vanilla Dr. Pepper" for dinner, and Tiffany ate... a family-sized bag of "Andy Capp's Extra Hot Hot Fries" plus a "Skor Bar" plus a large coffee. Bleeeagh!

bad thing (3) ...I have some issues with this one, but I'm going to let it slide. --Oliver

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