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Backstory by Robert Whitman
Rear views from a famed commercial photographer.
Strip Search by Various
Rant in Your Undies video contest winners revealed!
Film Reviews by Logan Hill, Lily Oei and Nic Sheff
Closer is a powerful study in adultery; the dreary I Am David is a slog. Plus, Date DVD: Audrey Hepburn charms in How to Steal a Million.
Young Love by Dana Stevens
Like Birth, Finding Neverland dodges complicated — and necessary — questions about childhood sexuality.
Ladies' Night by Steve Almond
Desperate Housewives lacks opposite-sex appeal.
Sex Advice From . . . Tour Guides by Liza Gennatiempo
Q: What preparations do you need to make for great anal sex?
A: Time, tenderness, Tanqueray.
Raw Hooksexup by Andy Horwitz
What's the opposite of "good" these days? "Too gay."
London Calling by John Freeman
An interview with Alan Hollinghurst, author of the Booker Prize winner The Line of Beauty.
Thy Neighbor's Girlfriend by Steven Rinella
It's share and share alike in Thermopolis, Wyoming. *the erogenous zones issue*
Rural Route by Mara Levy
In Taylor, Mississippi, a single girl can run from her suitors, but she can't hide. *the erogenous zones issue*
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Senators battle "erototoxins;" Paul Reubens loves them.
Horoscopes by the Hooksexup staff
Your week in sex.
Bad Sex With Neal Pollack by Neal Pollack
Trouble in paradise. *the erogenous zones issue*

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