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Mike Lee & Kent Zambrana

Letting Up Despite Great Faults
Los Angeles, CA

Does it ever work when people date within their band?
Mike: Not in this one!

Did that happen in your band?
Mike: Maybe.

My boyfriend has been staying late at work lately. I don't mean to sound paranoid, but does that mean he's fooling around on me or that he's lost interest in me?
Kent: He's probably just playing in a fantasy basketball league.
Mike: If he's stayed late before, and she knows what kind of line of work he's in, I'm sure that plays a factor, so she can be rational about it.
Kent: The weird thing would be if he worked at a strip club.
Mike: That's weird, man. Just break up with him!

I've been dating this girl for a couple of months and I really like her. Does a couple of months mean that we're "dating?" Should I bring up the whole "where is this going" question?
Kent: Light a candle, pour a glass of wine, listen to some Letting Up, and say, "Hey, babe, where's this going?"
Mike: I don't understand why people need to label things or check the status of things. Why can't everyone just be chill and hang out? If you're having a good time... You've only known the person for two or three months, there's so much more to know, and I think the fun of dating is to discover who they are. That takes longer than two to three months.

I'm a thirty-two-year-old woman, and I've never been in a committed relationship. I tried getting set up, but to no avail. How can I meet eligible, single men?
Mike: I don't think it's a big deal if she hasn't been in a serious relationship even though she's thirty-two. I think it kind of depends on the person and how fast you grow.
Kent: I know I've always done better when I had no intention of meeting someone. 
Mike: I think you can kind of tell when someone is on the prowl. I think that, ultimately, we should be making friends and hanging out with people. Maybe you should just hang out and make friends. Be willing to go to a party even though you're in your pajamas at nine o'clock. Go to a party and get off your ass and go meet some new people.

I'm a guy who recently broke up with my girlfriend of one year. I subscribe to her Twitter, and she has these passive-aggressive messages that might refer to me. I prefer not to be in contact with her at all, but should I call her out on it?
Mike: No! Why are you on her Twitter? What is wrong with you?
Kent: Didn't you break up with her?
Mike: Unfollow!

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Commentarium (5 Comments)

Mar 12 12 - 3:56pm

"Mike: I think you can kind of tell when someone is on the prowl."

Yup! You definitely can.

Mar 12 12 - 11:53pm

Ugh, the Haim lady sounded blech.

Mar 15 12 - 12:56pm

LOL - So the solution to asking you out is negging you and offering you food.
Exactly. If you treat me like shit, and then you offer me food, that's how you get in my pants. That's actually a surefire way. Panties are already on the floor.

Mar 18 12 - 10:11am
Thank you!

Thank you, Jinna! I agree. It always ticks me off when women go out of their way to sound so casual about sex, and so unaffected by all that surrounds it. Maybe they think that helps them with their 'Too-Cool-For-School' hipster cred?...Or in this case, judging by their look in the picture..nouveau bohemian hipster cred. ha! LAME. What would make it even funnier would be if she was like, 22 0r 23. In that case, I'd say "uh..yeah. not buying it, hon!" 'yahhh thanks for the burger, dude. Let's bang.'

Mar 21 12 - 1:05pm

Yeah! I know. I'm not trying to judge her or guess where she's coming from, but dude or lady or other, I don't perceive a very thoughtful or articulate vibe from her. Again...blech.

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