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Aging Lothario Reaches Out to Youth in Inexplicable, Non-Lecherous Fashion

Our understanding was that Jack Nicholson was, like, a harder get for interviewers than a post-death Brando. So what exactly did and writer Josh Horowitz do to get a two-part interview with him? I mean, not to get all Mediabistro/Gawker-y on y'all, but inquiring minds want to know. Maybe they're really trying to market the new Chinatown/The Two Jakes DVD's to the younguns or something? Whatever. Last we heard, Nicholson was having trouble producing his own spit, so maybe it's a good sign that he had time and moisture enough to gab with someone at 1515 Broadway.

PS: We tried to find a screengrab of the ATM lurking in the background of a shot in Two Jakes and couldn't rustle one up. Anyone know if it's just a myth, or have so few people seen the movie that it just ain't been webbed up yet? Sounds from the interview like Jack might have cleaned up a few mistakes like that for the DVD release, so it's a matter of the utmost importance that we figure this out!

[Via Goldenfiddle] 

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