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Colbert Denied By NASA [VIDEO]


They will not be naming the space nodule after Stephen Colbert, instead choosing a dumb NASA-ish name which is also decidedly not "Fartmonkey," Stephen Colbert's other suggestion. However, all is not lost, as Stephen Colbert's name will, indeed, be in space... 

The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Space Module: Colbert - Sunita Williams
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

"Tranquility"? Blah. "Colbert" got 230,539 write-in votes, compared to about 40,000 for the runner-up, "Serenity." Which NASA isn't going with either. Is this how they do democracy in space? Good concession to the will of the people by NASA, though, putting a COLBERT in the space nodule - a Combined Operational Load-Bearing External Resistance Treadmill. 

They're naming the exercise treadmill after him. Great. We grumble quietly, and we move on. 


"Colbert" In Space? NASA Announcement Tomorrow

Stephen Colbert Rips Fox News' Glenn Beck Apart [VIDEO]

"Colbert", Your International Space Station?


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