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David Lynch Will Teach Your Children to Fly

Those who have read his book Catching the Big Fish or caught any of his lectures or interviews in the past few years know that David Lynch is a strong proponent of transcendental meditation. Now the Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive director is putting together "a 'global benefit concert' in New York, featuring Paul McCartney, Moby, Sheryl Crow, Eddie Vedder and Donovan, to raise funds to teach meditative techniques to schoolchildren."

The overall goal of the benefit is, of course, world peace. "If a further 1% can be persuaded to take up yogic flying in groups, world peace would follow, according to the Transcendental Meditation Movement, of which Lynch is the public face," The Guardian reports. Admittedly, I've never been a Maharishi follower, but I have seen Lynch's lectures and I don't think I've ever heard him mention "yogic flying." So I did a little YouTube excavation and came up with this National Geographic clip:

Whoa! Are you telling me David Lynch can do that? I mean, I've seen him cook quinoa on the Inland Empire DVD, and that was quite a feat, but this is something else. I think he should do this in his next movie. And maybe he will: "For Lynch fans, the wait for his next creative work could end in disappointment: his next project is a 'road movie' about touring TM around the globe."

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