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Eva Mendes to America: Take Your Nip Slip Censorship and Shove It


Eva Mendes opened up about her too-hot-for-TV Calvin Klein ad, and told Vogue what the rest of us already knew: we're a country of uptight prudes.

"I love my country, but I believe that we are too quick to censor nudity," the actress, 34, tells the Spanish edition of Vogue in its November issue. "We seem okay with violence, but nudity we race to criticize and censor. I'm not at all ashamed or frightened about showing my body." 

Amen, Eva. But even People can only handle that much, because once that nudity business is out of the way, what could have been a good article about sexiness and censorship turned into yet another mass market article on trying too hard. Apparently, the rest of us should be ashamed or frightened of showing our bodies if we don't look like Mendes. 

The secret to her sexy shape? Simple: Diet and exercise. "I try not to go crazy, but yes, I pay attention to what I eat," she says. (Since her stint in rehab earlier this year, Mendes has been outspoken about taking care of herself.) "I try to stay away from pasta, bread, cakes, sweets, cookies and ice cream."

If you're not sexy, whatever you do, don't let the real you show; apparently it's "less sexy." 

The actress

Comments ( 2 )

Oct 04 08 at 1:14 am

Mass market article on sexiness... I've seen worse on this very blog but we wouldn't want to self-ridicule, would we?

Oct 11 08 at 8:55 pm

is it just me or is there a vajayjay looking illusion on the bottle toward the very end?

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