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"Ultimate Incest": Scientific Breakthrough or Creepiest Porn Title Ever?


Dudes. You better figure out how to cook and clean because ladies ain't gonna need you to make babies for much longer.

Controversial plans allowing babies to be conceived from artificial sperm are being considered by Ministers, it emerged last night.

A cross-party group of MPs is calling for a relaxation of the ban on human pregnancy from so-called artificial gametes.

The group is led by Liberal Democrat MP Evan Harris - dubbed "Dr Death" for his contentious views on euthanasia.

But the move has been branded the "ultimate incest" by critics because an individual's tissue could be used to create both sperm and eggs to make a human life, making them the father and mother of the child.

We're gonna go ahead and predict the exact day and place that "Ultimate Incest" becomes a reality: this Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY at the City Auditorium! LIVE! DON'T MISS IT! Tickets available by phone; two dollars extra at the door. BE THERE!

Comment ( 1 )

Duh Brian, it's spelled YOuth in Asia, what are you American?

spectrumseven commented on Mar 11 08 at 4:18 pm

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