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    Head Case


    Let's establish something up front: I'm not gay. Which is not to say I haven't given it a fair shot. I've kissed guys before at bars and parties — I was drunk, they were there, it was 2002 — and although the experience was pleasant enough, the pink neurons just didn't fire. I'm an ardent admirer of the male form, but a six-pack and cannonball shoulders are qualities I'd rather view in a mirror than under me in bed. (My first and only male crush was on Bret Michaels — I was fifteen, and it was more envy than lust.) I have gay friends, but I am literally girl crazy. The only thing that mars my practically unblemished record as a straight man is my undeniable — at times, overwhelming — desire to suck a cock.

    Occasionally I'll fantasize about watching straight porn with a guy before jerking off together and emulating the acts on the screen. Or sucking off the more notable of my girlfriend's sexual conquests. Or lining up a varsity swim team and making like a circus seal. Put simply, I think penises are awesome. And therein lies the problem. I'm turned on by a body part, not so much the person it's attached to.

    Penises are the Kinder Egg element of the human body.

    Although I'm not sure how to categorize this desire, I know that I'm not alone. In talking with my male friends, I've never been as candid as I am here, but careful probing revealed that some of them share a similar fascination with other men's penises, a willingness to go where no straight man is supposed to. Nine hours into a recent roadtrip with a guy I've known for years, I felt bored, tired or comfortable enough to hint at the concept of giving another guy head. My friend's knee-jerk reaction was to label me a "fucking fag," albeit with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. "You haven't thought about it at all? Ever?" I pressed. With the oncoming traffic headlights working like truth serum, my friend began to lay forth conditions for how it would have to, ahem, go down. "Well," he began, "he would have to be very clean cut." We drove half a mile in silence before he added, " . . . and really hung." To cut the awkwardness, we both instinctively reached for the radio dial and accidentally touched hands.

    The genesis of my phallic love is no great mystery. I've been told many times, by many women, that they felt like the third wheel in the relationship between me and my little guy. Not to brag, but my dick is a resoundingly handsome piece of work. While not the biggest in any given locker room, it points perfectly straight, bereft of any bumps or bulges. Its peaches-and-cream complexion is not unlike Kate Winslet's might be on a blustery day. It has a faintly vascular look but falls far short of those scary, veiny porno dicks that resemble Iggy Pop's forearms. Its only shortfall: try as I might, I can't get the bastard into my mouth.

    This doesn't just plague my thoughts when I'm conscious. I've dreamt about being able to auto-fellate more than I've dreamt about showing up at school naked. It's not getting head, but giving it that excites me. I wonder what it would be like to delve into a pair of jeans and seize an organ that will transform its shape, size and constitution in nanoseconds, feeling its weight and girth before staring it face-on.

    Penises are especially interesting to me because of the way they, and their owners, are mythologized by women. Girls love talking about how they were bamboozled by a man's penis size after calculating all the usual indicators: job, hand size, make and model of car, etc. Men can get a general idea of a girl's endowments before unveiling them, but penises are the Kinder Egg element of the human body. As you'll remember, cracking open one of those yellow capsules could yield something fun and useful, or shitty and pathetic. In reality TV, this moment is called the "reveal."

    I suppose it's not entirely the act of sucking cock that appeals to me, but also this tumultuous reveal moment. Though it's been a point of contention in past relationships, I've often quizzed my girlfriends about their encounters with other men's equipment. They almost always have stories about one that was impractically large, another illustrated using their pinkie as a prop, and all manner of genital oddity in between. I find all of it thrilling to hear.

    I've resigned myself to the fact that all the muscle relaxants in Beverly Hills won't enable me to achieve my goal of auto-fellatio, so I've had to start thinking about how I'm going to scratch this itch. Some might say that when you live in New York City, sucking an anonymous dick should be a snap. Couple of problems here. First, I'm not sure how someone who's "fresh on the scene" goes about offering to fellate a stranger without being taken for a crackhead. Glory holes, should they still exist, are gross. Foraging in the deviant embers of Craigslist is like going to a glory hole, but without the benefit of total anonymity, and with the distinct possibility of meeting a shamefaced neighbor in a dark alley.

    Secondly, as previously stated, I don't dig dudes on either end of the manly spectrum, so my ideal candidate would have to emit an air of neutrality that would baffle the Swiss. He would be in shape, but not in an eye-catching way. Sweet-smelling but not manly-musky. Not effeminate, yet not macho or brutish. A few times when I've been hanging out with a friend, the possibility of a round of dick-sucking hung thick in the air, but the company just wasn't ideal.

    I know this sounds like a list of excuses. But to me, it's more complicated than that. I wonder whether my diametrically opposed set of desires has a categorization at all. Or, as I suspect, is it such a part of the normal hetero psyche that it doesn't deserve one? Maybe I'm still confused about what being a bi male even means. Bisexuality, like Cop Rock, seemed both novel and workable in the heady early '90s. For about five minutes, it was the sexual category to end all categories, a way to self-identify as fabulously enigmatic. It was then revised to mean something that a girl with a Chinese symbol tattooed on the small of her back was for half a semester in college.

    Today, bisexuality among men remains largely theoretical. Who is flying the flag? Bowie, Jagger, Iggy and Lou Reed were merely implicated as bi in the mid-'70s. I remember Kurt Cobain and Bret Anderson of the London Suede describing themselves as bisexual men who had never had a homosexual experience. That's the biggest cop-out I've ever heard.

    Perhaps bisexuality has never really had a practical application for most men because in other people's eyes, it means changing forever. Plus, quite frankly, it sounds exhausting. Having sex with boys, sex with girls and then having to explain the duality? I don't want a new label. I just want to try deep-throating and see if I like it. I want the autonomy to investigate without surrendering my identity. Consider me try-sexual.

    Commentarium (70 Comments)

    Jul 18 05 - 1:05am

    I suppose it would be a cliche to offer to solve your problems, but I'm always up for a round of mutual oral gratification with another straight guy. You got a Hooksexup profile so we can arrange to meet up at a bar and decide whether we like what we see?

    Jul 18 05 - 4:10am

    Fuck! I could have written this, except the part about my cock looking good. I feel absolutely the same thing.

    Jul 18 05 - 10:45am

    oh ya - - same here. Love women - everything about them - but still have this desire to deep-throat a big salami; and usually in a MFM threesome situation. A lot of women actually get off on seeing that. And for me it is all about the cock and not the person it's attached to. I can't imagine kissing a guy in a sexual/sensual way but I'll suck his dick. Does that make me a homophobe in some way? or rather, a hedonisitic bisexual?

    Jul 18 05 - 11:29am

    You're gay. not that there is anything wrong with that. please don't insult us with your "literary" garbage.

    Jul 19 05 - 12:21am

    This article was great - and reminds me of how cool Hooksexup used to be before it became nothing but regular features dedicated to white middle class vanilla straight people.

    Jul 19 05 - 12:44am

    "'Literary' garbage"? What the hell is that idiot talking about? Anyway, I don't think the guy's necessarily gay. In fact I think the phenomenon he describes is far more common than most of us straight guys acknowledge (to ourselves or to anyone else). I've wondered at times whether it's just a side-effect of our vast enjoyment of blowjobs, especially if we actually care about the women who give them: eventually empathy's bound to make you think about both sides of the experience. Also, I think there are two kinds of people: those who experience sex essentially as something they're getting to do TO another person and those who experience it essentially as something that another sentient human being has to be doing WITH them, who only get off on the fact that somebody's choosing to do this stuff. The former is likelier to get off on raping somebody; the latter is likelier to want to know what it's like to suck a dick.

    Jul 18 05 - 3:40pm

    seems pretty logical that tne desire to suck, an instinct necessary for survival as a newborn and infant, doesn't go away completely for most people. heck, lot's of women have a desire to eat out their counterparts and partially simply because they know they could do it well, they know if feels good. you have to think for guys thats compounded by the universal desire to suck.

    Jul 18 05 - 3:49pm

    its odd to me that people resist the categorization of bisexual. it need not mean that one has an exact 50-50 breakdown of interest in the two genders, the poll in this issue does a good job breaking it down into many levels -- mostly straight but bi-curious, mostly gay but bi-curious, etc.

    from an evolutionary perspective, its logical that men and women have a strong impetus to mate -- its clearly no accident that the penis and vagina fit gloriously well together. but there is no real down side to occasional homosexual behavior from a survival perspective -- indeed increasing the bonds of allies could be useful, as it was for greek warriors with butt buddies beside them. it never occurred to the greeks that they had to pick, and now, even after several decades of "sexual revolution" we still have difficulty shaking the idea that maybe there is no need to pick in the first place.

    Jul 18 05 - 7:00pm

    Thank You. That is the first article I've ever read that explained what I've been thinking for years. Men like us have no outlet for our curiosity. No safe outlet at least.
    Keep preaching the word Brother. Maybe someday it will be easier. But, until then I'll suck you cock if you suck mine.

    Jul 18 05 - 8:04pm

    Interesting. I do wonder if maybe this impulse doesn't speak so much to the author's sexual orientation as to a well-developed sense of narcissism (I don't mean that pejoratively). I'm a mostly straight woman, and I've had dreams in which I was a man fucking a woman, enjoying it very much. I've also considered what I would do if for some reason I woke up one day with a dick, and really, I would be most interested in fucking my female self (similar to a man wanting to suck his own cock, I guess). One of the things that I enjoyed most about sleeping with the women I've fucked was just the sensuous experience of feeling their bodies and wondering if that was I felt to my partners, male or female. I could obviously be wrong, but I think there's a distinct possibility that the author's desire to suck cock might be a manifestation of the common wish to know how other people perceive and experience you. In this case, you're not wondering whether they think you're interesting/intelligent/cool, you want to know how your cock tastes or feels to them. I think gay, straight, or bi are words maybe better employed to describe the behavior rather than the orientation in this case. But what do I know? I don't have a cock of my very own, more's the pity.

    Jul 18 05 - 9:35pm

    Thanks for this article. I knew you guys were out there somewhere. Who better to perfomr oral sex on a man than another man. We have the piece. We know what feels good and what doesn't. I have been eating the muscle puppy for many years, and it's the only sex I enjoy. I love doing it as much as I like watching the man enjoy it. Where are you? You can try it on me.

    Jul 19 05 - 3:53pm

    I first heard the term "trysexual" in about '92, so good try but no cigar (so to speak). My other favorites include heteroflexible, homoflexible, and 'I'm not gay or straight I'm just slutty.'

    Anyhow, why the obsession with adhering to a label that clearly, clearly does not fit? Don't you remember learning in college that rigid sexual identities are a peculiar invention of the 19th century obsession with taxonomy, etc.? Sexual identity is a false, manufactured construct that simply did not exist before the mid 1800s.

    What I would suggest is taking a holiday to Europe (maybe Germany) and exploring your totally natural impulses in a country where people don't have so many sexual hangups. Plus, Germans are fucking hot.

    Jul 19 05 - 4:31pm

    I agree 100%. I have spent countless hours fantasizing about sucking a cock but have never done it. It

    Jul 20 05 - 4:58am

    This article spoke for me 100% and completely. I have often been baffled myself at this particular desire. The early mornings spent attempting to stuff my genitals into my own mouth. half-successfully. To find a stranger, or not even a stranger, some body, literally, with which to experience the "reveal." Is it just because it's so far off the beaten track as to still be considered kinky in the era of Vice magazine, and, well, the entire internet? Is the penis just one of the few things left oddly romantic in our society? Or something more deep in the sub-conscious? Somewhere in between? I sympathize completely with the dilemma of being attracted to an object but not what it is attached to in the least, or any practical scenario in which the pleasure of it would be accessible. Maybe that is in and of itself the rub.

    Jul 20 05 - 7:14pm

    DUDE: definitely NOT straight; stop denying your bi-ness or more.

    Jul 21 05 - 10:59am

    I found your article fascinating. I could identify in a way because I am a 'gay' man who has occasionally had sexual trysts with women. I enjoyed fully what happened. The experiences came about because I had developed relationships with these women and going to bed with them was just an extension of the social intercourse I enjoyed with them, so to speak. I will qualify what I say about being gay by saying that while I find men to be the objects of my desire I am aware of the potential for relating to women sexually, though in a different way to how I do to men. I see it as a cultural thing whereby we are forced to identify as being in one camp or another.
    One book I would recommend to anybody is called 'Sexuality and the Devil' by Edward J. Tejirian.The devil in the title refers to a heterosexual man who goes into analysis because of an irrational fear that the Devil is trying to possess him. During the course of his analysis it turns out that the Devil represented homosexual fears and desires that were bubbling up into his consciousness. The author's conclusion is... "A sensed sexual potential in their relation to other males is an integral component of male psychology." There is another book by this author called 'Male to Male: Sexual Feelings Across the Boundaries of Identity' which explores the issues more fully.
    To conclude I'd just like to say that it hit me once, when I awoke from a very exciting dream about me and a woman, that because there is nothing negative attached to sex between men and women, my only reaction was curiosity as to what might have been going on that I had such a dream at that time. I realised that if it had been a man who identified as being heterosexual awakening from a dream about another man, it would, no doubt, have been a cause of self-doubt and stronger negative emotions.

    Jul 22 05 - 1:48pm


    you've just summed up my life long head case. Only exception, a friend and I engaged one sunny afternoon with a time limit. 5 minutes he did me, five minutes I did him. While I proclaimed I wasn't gay or anything he confessed this wasn't his first time. Many years went by with pieces of his fragmented stories falling into place one by one, but the friendship disolved long before the entire puzzle, for me anyway, was solved.
    I enjoyed the encounter, to the point of wanting to do it yet again, now if I could just find the circumstances you have described

    Jul 22 05 - 8:06pm

    Nicely written. I will merely say "ditto" with those that are agreeing with you. I was troubled in college for quite some time, and actually spent time labeled as gay. I'm now happily married to the woman I love, though I find myself battling the same phallic urges you have (no different than any other guy fighting the urge to fuck their wife's best friend). I must say that many of my urges are more envy than lust (definitely not a 9 or 10 here!), but the male body is a beautiful work of art, and the MANY varieties of penises are even more delectible. Thank you for taking the time to write this article and help explain so eloquently what we've wanted to say for a long time!

    Jul 22 05 - 8:25pm

    Big Bravo! So great to see this in print. Thanks to Hooksexup for establishing the forum to support such honesty and openess. I self identify as bi but have a lot of problems seeing the difference between me and most other guys. I go after "straight" men as a sexual goal. I use Buddy sex as a filler between serious female relationships. Faster,less emotionally messy, and pretty hot, too. Not interested in fem guys at all. Fell in love with one gay man in my life, sort of a shock. Mostly straight men get me up and get me off. If I've had sex with a hundred "straight" men (no ifs about it) then why doesn't that change the identity of those straight guys? I really don't get it. Why do YOU still call yourself "straight" when you admit a lust for homosexual activity? Why do so many? And, yes, SO Many do. I go after some butch jock for his absolutely masculine aura and I'm no longer surprised when he slides lower in the bed, okay? He wants buddy sex just like me and you. What "straight" guys reject is the feminine identity. Give them enough confidence, security and trust so they can drop the "straight" mask and remain male then WOW, can they suck a cock! Lots of gay men will read your essay and think: No man is Straight! ... without seeing the corollary: Nobody is Gay, they're just men afraid of female sexuality. Hey, let me share a couple of "lines" that works... "You ever fantasize about sucking your own cock?" and "God, I love my dick, can't imagine a life without it!" and, "The worship of a phallus symbol lasted for centuries, still survives in modern man, too", add a knowing grin. db

    Jul 22 05 - 9:28pm

    In NYC you could easily find someone decent and acceptable to suck off. Though you have this fantasy, you must not really want to. Still too many scary implications for a "straight" guy most likely. I find it funny that for a gay man, I feel much the same as you. I often want to suck guys but don't really want any of that touchy feely stuff. A dick in my mouth and no talking please.

    Jul 24 05 - 9:19pm

    Sorry dog...but heterosexual men just aren't curious that way. I feel the whole bisexuality thing is just hairsplitting. Once a man does d**k, he's gay. Anything he might do with women is purely incidental...

    Jul 26 05 - 3:45am

    I couldn't agree more with being attracted to a penis but not to the man with which it is attached. I have had the overwhelming desire to suck a cock for a long time, but the thought of kissing a man makes me want to gag. I do not find men attractive, but I find a good-looking cock irresistible. I will definitely find the right way one day to feed my desire.
    Thank you for validating my feelings.

    Jul 26 05 - 10:04pm

    This is is perfect. I cannot beleive I have finally read something that describes me perfectly. I am a 34 yo married, 3 kids, fit, screaming heterosexual that loves the idea of another man's cock....not another man, his cock. This obsession can at times be consuming yet completely unreachable. It's fun to admit and know I'm not the only one.

    Jul 27 05 - 5:17am

    I never felt so identified with someone as the writer of the article. Finnaly someone who doesn't bother of thinking and saying it. I am not gay or bisexual... I am straight but I think of it...

    Jul 27 05 - 10:02am

    Chris, it sounds like you need to try a hot tranny.

    Jul 28 05 - 12:30am

    interesting stuff! I've identified as gay all my adult life, yet I have a similar curiousity about women's anatomy. I've always been turned on by big breasts, and more and more lately I find myself interested in pussy--I watch a lot of straight porn. but, like the writer, I find the idea of intimacy with a woman uninteresting. it's just the raw sex that I think is cool. my big fantasy is to play with a m/f couple, but it hasn't happened. I don't really know how to make it happen, either. bottom line--I think the whole need to label ourselves or each other is just shallow and uninteresting. life's more complex than that.

    Jul 27 05 - 3:05pm

    In response to this article... If you are looking for a way to "label" yourself sexually, I do not agree with labeling yourself as "straight." When you consider yourself as "straight" but have the desire to suck cock then your "label should be "BI-SEXUAL, with primarily Heterosexual tendencies." Now before you get up in arms over this, Let me explain myself: I believe that we all belong on a sexual continuum, one side is completely 100% heterosexual and the other side is completely 100% homosexual. We all fall someplace on this spectrum. Some people identify 100% hetero, and some as 100% homo, but the rest of the people are bisexual to varying degrees. While some people can settle into the continuum right in the middle enjoying sex with both sexes equally and can identify as 100% bisexual others will settle towards one side or the other. The identity labels here would be: bisexual with primarily heterosexual tendencies (as is the case with the author), or bisexual with primarily homosexual tendencies. My point here is that when it comes to identifying oneself sexually you must look to what degree do you enjoy having sex with "both" genders, which gender is your primary focus and which one is secondary, if any. By the way, I identify myself as bisexual with very strong homosexual tendencies because I have been with a woman (married 13 years) and it wasn't entirely unpleasant, but thoughts of men entered into having sex with her to get me through the experience. in other words I prefer to be with men but given the right set of circumstances I might entertain having sex with a woman again. I base my belief about sexuality on the research and writings done by DR. KINSEY in the mid 20th century, who first introduced the idea of the sexual continuum which makes perfect sense to me. thank you.

    Jul 27 05 - 5:09pm

    Your article on wanting to suck dick, even though you're a straight guy, requires a suspension of my disbelief, but I guess I can swallow that. Which brings me to what I'm writing to you about. You never mentioned your reaction to getting sperm in your mouth, let alone swallowing it. What do you say? How do you feel about those things?

    I'm a faggot and I love it. It's not the physical sensations of having come in my mouth and swallowing it (those are very mild and subtle), it's my joy at the idea being a cocksucker and actually doing it. It sounds to me as if you might feel the same way.

    Jul 27 05 - 5:58pm

    i am a gay male completely willing to help out this guy with his need. i think i fit all of the requirements: appropriately male/masculine, no particular smell either way, nice cock. although it is pierced.

    Jul 27 05 - 7:53pm

    Chris I relate to your enigma as I share the same feelings.
    I grew up in the deep south and never had thoughts of relating to a man, I married at 21yrs and and still in love with my wife of 42years.
    At around 38 I alone and somewhat drunk in a bar was seduced by a guy I went willingly and somewhat enjoyed the experience. Now I have the same issues that you do. I love the sight of a penis specially a soft one and have a large collection of same. On the other hand I have and extensive collection of women as I relate there also. Have a brave and good life you ae special.

    Jul 27 05 - 8:21pm

    You nailed it.

    Jul 28 05 - 12:45pm

    I am heterosexual and I love giving head to women. Lately though I've thought about how it must feel to have a cock in me and what it feels like to women. I was watching a porno about a guy giving it to this chick in the anus and she seemed to enjoy it very much. Well I would also like to be in a threesome where my chick was giving a guy head and just when he was ready to come she backs off and lets me take the cum in my mouth. I also have thought about a guy fucking my chick and when he comes she straddles my head and lets the cum slide into my mouth. I know you won't believe me but I am not gay or rather never have had a homoseveal experience. By the way, the chick I'm making referance to is not real.

    Jul 28 05 - 1:53am

    Wow, there are others out there. Alas, I am married now and my chances of giving head are pretty limited unless I can convince my wife that a threesome with a bisexual male is perfectly acceptable with the new Pope. Fortunately, I have done it already in my prebuscent years, as have many guys. You and your buddy discover the fine art of fantasy and masturbation and you convince your friend that if you suck him off while he's thinking of Mary Jane it's just about the next best thing. So, at least I can go on with my life knowing the feeling of a mouth full of flesh, albeit at age 14.

    The fantasies will continue to enhance my solo exercises but, as you basically state in the article, it will have to be the perfect man in the perfect scenario for it to ever really "go down."

    Jul 28 05 - 4:26am

    Like many hetrosexual men I've had very similar feelings. I do not consider myself gay or bisexual at all, I'm flat out not attracted to the male form. But at the same time I don't find the act of two men pleasuring each other to be a gay or bisexual act if the only point of it is sexual gratification. You are gay or bi if you have attraction and feelings to the same sex.

    Our society has seemed to relax these rules and be much more open to them in the case of two women pleasuring each other. In todays standard they are considered curious while men are labeled as Bi or Gay.

    In two weeks I'm meeting up with a friend of mine in my teenage years. We will probably engage in some oral sex just to get each other off even though we are both clearly hetrosexual.

    Maybe in time all of this labeling will go away.

    Jul 28 05 - 4:40am

    I LOVE THIS ARTICLE, i feel the same why just.. with girls. you laid it out just right.

    Jul 28 05 - 4:41am

    I LOVE THIS ARTICLE, i feel the same way just.. with girls. you laid it out just right.

    Jul 28 05 - 7:12am

    True, there's nothing like the feeling of hardening happening, live, in your mouth.

    If you are particularly turned on by "sucking off the more notable of my girlfriend's sexual conquests," is it impossible to ask her to share? A woman can far more easily ask a man she's already naked with whether he's interested in a threesome than a man can start a duet.

    Unless she tries to talk with her mouth full, of course.

    Jul 29 05 - 2:40pm

    three times i've been in a threesome (MFM) situation and i sucked the guys dick. i'm quite straight and probably would not have done it had not the woman been there prodding me to do so, but i'll say it was fun. how about we just quit labeling it all and just have fun. gay, straight, bi...what the fuck...just fuck.

    Aug 01 05 - 7:51am

    i have a question. what percentage of hetero men would suck their own dick if they could? i'd venture to say 100%. resultingly, there must be some amount of desire to suck dick. therefore, if you can't suck your own (and most of us can't) the next best thing is to suck someone elses. does that make all of us bi sexual? call it what you want but men (str8, bi, gay, whatever) are so enamored by their dicks, that the thought of sucking one is pretty much common. is there a difference between desiring to suck and actually sucking one? maybe. but not much.

    Sep 01 05 - 11:15pm

    I absolutely love this article, its like you are writing about my life....amazing work

    Sep 03 05 - 2:53am

    Obviously you still have a long way to go. With so many men out there how haven't you find what you are looking for attached to a penis? I don't think you have a sexuality problem, it is simply a fetish. Just look around you can find someone where you lest expect it.

    Feb 01 07 - 10:42pm

    I am thrilled to have this article. I thought I was alone!

    Feb 19 07 - 3:27am

    Wow. Perfect. I imagine myself on my knees sucking a hung vieny cock for years now when i masterbate but I know that the reality would not live up to the fantasy because i am just not attracted to the rest of the male form. But a hot cock makes me go mad.

    May 18 07 - 3:10pm

    A brave and valuable article. Straight guys admitting their homosexual feelings is very important for improving the state of our culture's unhealthy, dualistic attitudes about orientation. The author's situation seems to be pretty damn common, and it's amazing how much we pretend that it isn't. However, I find the author's "I'm NOT gay" disclaimer at the beginning of the article kind of problematic because it is actually representative of the sexual rigidness that his disclosure intends to explode. Wanting to suck another man's cock is undoubtedly a gay desire. So the author, while predominantly hetero, is indeed at least a little bit gay. What's the harm in calling it that? Isn't that the whole point of the issue: to admit that being at least a little bit gay is not uncommon at all and perhaps it is time to stop clinging to our undiluted straight/gay identities in favor of something more open and middle-grounded?

    Sep 22 07 - 3:45am

    I appreciate your article. I can relate to it and I have experienced it. I am not gay and yet I have encountered the male sex organ in a way that would make women blush.
    I think it is natural and even supernatural to engage in the right way at the right time. It takes listening to your "inner voice" and trusting in the wisdom which speaks through it. I think that men who didn't get enough or the right kind of male energy when they were young, need it for their development. Strangely enough the electrical circutry our bodies contain allow certain activities, especially certain sexual activities to provide currents to the brain they need to meet needs, unmet needs, in albeit out there ways. But we are out there anyway, so why is it so strange to believe that we may be wired as such, literally. If needs aren't met they will be met somehow and usually its not pretty, so conciously allowing your circuts to do their thing can be a very meaningful, pleasing and rewarding experience.

    Peace be with you on your quest for greater understanding and experience.

    Feb 03 08 - 7:49pm

    OK, so I know this article is over 2 years old, but in the even that someone stumbles across it as I did..I feel it pertinent to share some thoughts. A little info: I am a 33 yr old Bisexual FEMALE happily involved with a man who I truly believe to the love of my life and last weekend we had our second MFM 3some where he did an unbelievable job of sucking the other guy off and loved every second of it. My guy is most definitely straight and yes...he loves to suck cock. And for those that may be wondering...I love to watch!! So for all of you guys out there that have entertained the thought and figured there was no way your girl would go for it...don't beso sure!!

    Oct 15 08 - 10:51pm

    I love your story and I feel very much like you. Thank you for writing it.

    Three years have past since it was posted. I wonder, how do you see things now?

    One try-sexual to another.

    Jan 08 09 - 12:50pm
    W R

    I'm a married guy who absolutely worships the female form. I love the way women look, feel, taste and think. I consider myself to be the yang to their yin. But I also have an obsessive hunger for the opportunity to be a cocksucker.I did enjoy an altogether too brief suckbuddy relationship with my best friend as a young teenager, and I recall it to be one of the most erotic and sexually rewarding episodes of my life and I often wish that I might experience it again.

    Feb 02 09 - 10:41pm

    I agree with the article 110%. I think the guys that say they never even thought about sucking another guy (or want to) are just trying to convince others and themselves that there is no way they have any bi-sexual tendancies. If they would be 100% truthful, they would admit it.

    Aug 12 10 - 12:58am

    I feel the same way. I am always hassled by those who want me to be gay. I love checking out huge members but i am mostly into women. I also have sucked and will suck again when I get the chance!

    Sep 07 10 - 4:56pm

    I'm 26 and married. My biggest turn-ons are curvy women with big tits and wide hips (no fat chicks!) but I've been fighting with myself over the fantasy of wanting to suck a cock. I am not attracted to men on an emotional or physical level at all. Men don't turn me on, I don't want a dick in my ass, I don't want to put my dick in a man's or a woman's ass, and I certainly don't want to kiss or get cuddly with a man. But I am curious about sucking dick. There's something about wanting to have a mouthful of flesh that gets me hard. I've thought about trying it out on a dildo to see how I like it but I feel like the dildo won't do a real dick justice. I've always wanted to be able to suck my own dick (which would fulfill that cock-sucking fantasy) but alas I can't reach. I would never stray from my marriage to experiment with a dick, and I feel that a MMF 3some would never be an option. What am I to do? Maybe I should use it as a masturbatory fantasy tool and leave it at that? Should I tell my wife? I'd be scared outta my fucking mind to bring that up. How would she react? Torture, man, just fucking torture.

    Oct 01 10 - 9:52pm

    Yes, sure, I like it, Interesting and educational. Please continue to write more interesting post in your website.

    Oct 13 10 - 5:07am

    WTF is this...why did this hoe send me this link i dont give a fuck about gay are all gay. You like dick your gay period. Theres no i like dick not men...a man is a man because he has a penis, meaning u like men if u like penises....fags!
    You should all hang yourselves and commit suicide, we dont need people like you around growing up kids...stupid homos!

    Oct 16 10 - 11:52pm
    David the Devil

    I think a lot of guys are more into labels,straight,bi gay I've never really cared what other people thought of me.When guys ask if I'm Gay I say no,Are you straight I say no,then they say what the F#ck are you then, that's for me to know and you to find out.if they smile I know its on.if they don't I just say "that's for me to know and you to find out,but quiet frankly your not my type."Usually most people around start laughing.Its a good ice breaker.Its surprising how many cocks are just waiting for a bit of action out there.I don't really bother analysing what label I am I just open wide.

    Dec 03 10 - 8:35pm

    I think when we're young, we all do weird stuff cause we're so damned horny. I experimented like twice with another guy when i was like 13 or something. Anyway, I never thought about it much. I just figured I was acting out sexually and wanted some pussy. Years went by and I never though much of it. After watcing a fair bit of porn, I found myself wondering what it'd be like to play with a large penis. It's like the same feeling you get using a dildo on your gf, but it's real I guess. I'm kind of suspicious that maybe watching alot of porn could create this desire to experiment being with another man. Or maybe as we mature we just don't care about labels and we just want to experiment more. Freud talked about penis envy as it related to women; conventionally it refers to a man with a small penis that feels ashamed. I'm better than average, and I still have had curiosities about playing with a big dick. I think if you shut off the porn and went cold turkey for a while, you'd feel the same lustful feelings towards pussy. I think that when you watch porn you graduate to more hardcore stuff and it just kinda gets out of hand. I might be wrong, but I think watching big dicks in porn; esp if you're into DP or gangbang is eventually going to lead you to thinking about being the woman who's sucking those big dicks. I think that if you're cool with it and you know it's not gonna fuck with your head (not a pun) then I don't see why it's such a problem. There might be something natural about it in some ways, but have you ever watched some gangbang or something and later felt crappy after you came ?...yeah, I think some things are best left as fantasy, but that's just me. The other odd thing about it is I bet you wouldn't want to suck a gay guy. For some reason, it has to be a straight guy or with another woman. It's kinda weird, but just make sure you don't go too crazy and end up feeling like shit. After you cum, it's over with anyway ahah....

    Feb 04 11 - 11:37pm
    Keygen Aracely

    Hm. im out right now.

    Feb 18 11 - 11:14am

    You can creat mirrow of your site on blogger. It's really more comfortable for users

    Feb 19 11 - 3:41pm

    You can creat mirrow of your site on blogger. It's really more comfortable for users

    Aug 24 11 - 2:02am

    I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

    Aug 26 11 - 1:36pm

    The article, which is really well done, is reflective of the way many straight men feel. Bounce around the Internet for a while, and you'll find countless "confessions" like the one here. The theories of why straight men -- we'll define "straight men" as guys who are sexually and emotionally turned on by women, not men -- are often interested in sucking cock are numerous: narcissism, fetishism, bisexuality, etc. But the reason why isn't so important. Straight guys usually don't belabor the reasons why they're straight. Why should they belabor the reasons why they want to suck a cock? I've been sexually attracted to women my whole life (45 years), sexaully attracted to the point of being sexually distracted; I've done more stupid, irrational acts in the pursuit of women than I can recount here. And I've never, not remotely, been attracted to men in this way. But I, too, have had the urge to suck cock, and I've done it, with mixed results. For me, it started by getting, not giving, blowjobs from guys. I have the good fortune of being a pretty good-looking guy who stays in good shape. As such, it's almost too easy to find men who will give me head. Initially, I had, not surprisingly, misgivings and trepidation about this, but once I got past the silly fears, I found the blowjobs enormously pleasurable. Men are really good at sucking cock, and they're much easier to convince than women. You can get right down business quickly, and without the emotional residue that follows sex with a woman. However, after getting really comfortable with blowjobs from men, it didn't me take long -- especially when I was naked and in the heat of the moment -- to find myself reaching for the other cock. I've done it a dozen or so times now, and, I have to say, the experience is okay, but not great. It never, for me, equals the fantasy. When I'm hard as a rock and some guy is giving me the blowjob of a lifetime, the urge to suck his dick can become overpowering. But once it's in my mouth and I'm going at it, it's always just okay. This isn't to say that I don't like it; I do. But it just never quite measures up to the buildup. The fantasy is much more intense than the sucking. Now, I should say that I've never sucked a guy to completion, but as I sit here and write this, the desire to do so is pretty strong. My experience might be completely different if I get a cock in my mouth and really devote myself to sucking it to completion. (Quite frankly, it's making me hard right now just thinking about a guy coming in my mouth.) I'll finish with this thought. When I imagine sucking a guy to completion, it's always with a guy who has little body fat (like me), not much body hair (like me), is circumcised (like me), and, in general, is a lot like me. I think for straight guys who fantasize about sucking cock, a lot of the attraction involves our own cocks and our own bodies. It is, though, a pleasant overall experience.

    Sep 07 11 - 7:25am
    Cialis Rezeptfrei

    FX4H54 See it for the first time���

    Sep 14 11 - 5:58pm

    I can completely relate to many of you, except I have tried to go further than head with guys, just to see if I could get into it as I do with women, but it just does not work for me.
    I came across this article because of an incident that happened yesterday.
    I went in for a massage. I don't normally get massages from guys, but this guy is trained and very, very reasonable. His mannerisms hinted to me that he was gay. As he was standing next to the table, I let my fingers, which were at my sides, casually touch his crotch. The touch was light enough that it could have easily been considered an accident if I had this guy figured wrong, but he actually moved my hand closer and pressed it against his crotch. Within a few seconds, he was at the head of the table, I was on my stomach and his cock was sliding in and out of my mouth. When I got up to go, I took a long look at the guy to determine if I could be attracted to him as a whole, and I felt nothing.
    I am not sure if I will try it again, but I have no regrets.

    Sep 19 11 - 5:36pm

    That's pretty hot. Did the guy come?

    Sep 24 11 - 4:04pm

    i have a guy who im seeig sexually and he is interested in engaging in felatio with another guy he isnt sure how to go about this and is very shy. im the first girl hes ever told his desire too and i dont really know exactly how to go about this. I am a very open book when it comes to sexuality and wouldnt mind being involved in helping him please if anyone has any insight on what i should do let me know

    Sep 26 11 - 9:43pm

    There is a free site called Adam 4 Adam. He signs up, and in his profile he simply says what you just said. He will be able to view other guys' portfolios in his area, to contact them if he chooses, and to take his time finding someone he's comfortable with. Good luck.

    Nov 06 11 - 7:06am
    seb cox

    great article, I think the only difference between your self and 99% of other men is simply that you are honest

    Nov 19 11 - 9:24pm

    This is exactley how I feel as well. All points I agree with. Glad to know there are many out there just like me.

    Dec 01 11 - 1:56pm

    Terrific article. Wish I would have read it 6 years ago. I've always "known" that there were probably a ton of guys that feel the same way I do. But to see so many put it into words is awesome. Texas is the worst place to live and have this fantasy I think....

    Feb 07 12 - 9:42am

    I just stumbled across this article - and it is what I've thought for most of my life. Thanks for writing it!

    I have had dreams of sucking dick only to wake up to find it's only my tongue substituting for a dick. I was ashamed to have these thoughts, but now I now know I'm not alone.

    Mar 27 12 - 8:44pm

    Sounds normal to me. If you're girl crazy then I would say that you ate completely straight, in a loose sense. Sexuality is a complicate thing, you just soud like you have a penis fetish which is normal. Penises are really just protuding clits, and since you have a penis yourself its not like you are repulsed by them. I would say it is the norm for straight guys to admire penis, like they admire their own. It's only gay or bi when you are sexually attracted to the male form. Wanting to suck a cock also seems normal, though your fetish must be pretty strongbfor it to get to that level.
    I am conpletely straight. Bu would love to suck, and jerk a nice clean penis. It would have to be attached to a girl though. And I mean a real girl, not a tranny, but a hermaphrodite.

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