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"Rock and roll" is about as perfect a name as a musical style could hope for. Whether screamed in front of a sold-out crowd in Detroit or slurred under the dim lights of some dank club in Chattanooga, those three words are almost onomatopoeic. And it's suited not only to the music style it describes, but to the other sweaty pursuit that birthed the term. The pitchfork-and-torch injuries inflicted on us by spurned Kim Deal fans after our sexiest-frontwomen list have now healed, so we've decided it was time to bring on another riot. Here are forty dudes who epitomize both aspects of rock and roll. Squeeze into (or out of) your leather pants and get to reading. — John Constantine
40) David Gahan

Throughout the 1980s, David Gahan taught pale, shy boys everywhere that it's pretty damn hot to get crushed under the encumbrance of your own penumbras. Unfortunately, Gahan set an impossible standard — few sad lads had his dreamboat visage and none could cocoon their gloom in the Amazing Monocolor Dream Coat of Depeche Mode's synths. This depressing realization likely drove Gahan's fanboys to listen to more Depeche Mode, thus perpetuating the vicious, sexy cycle. — Cyriaque Lamar

39) Ray Davies

There's nothing like the voice of Ray Davies singing, "Girl. I want. To be with you. All of THE time!" to make you jump up from your barstool and drag your crush onto the dance floor. His voice can alternately sound moody, weary and dreamlike ("Sunny Afternoon"), or decisive, charismatic and sunny ("You Really Got Me"). The kooky, British Invasion brand of sexiness Davies sports is the kind of appeal that survives way beyond its native decade. Groovy. — Marian Lorraine

38) Jesse Michaels

For sheer energy and unabashed masculinity that will never confuse you or get you down with the sensitive is-he-or-is-he-not-gay bullshit, Jesse Michaels is your man. Watching Op Ivy perform is like getting let out of school early: it's a million sunshine-tons of Fuck Yes. Jesse Michaels' Myspace page lists his wife under "favorite things," with typical punk frankness. His bio also says he's six-foot-one and average. We'll buy the six-foot-one part. — M.L.

37) Rhett Miller

Equal parts college-crush-you-went-on-a-road trip-to-Tijuana-with-and-almost-got-arrested-because-oops-he-forgot-to-tell-you-it-was-a-coke-deal and responsible-family man-next-door-who-reads-aloud-to-his-dying-grandmother, Rhett Miller is the thinking girls' ladykiller. It's not our fault he can make a Chili's commercial so sexy. Blame it on gravity. — M.L.

36) Kele Okereke

A limelight-eschewing British dude of ambiguous sexuality is one of the world's biggest rock stars? We'd totally drop some banal sound bite here ("A rocker for the Obama era!" or "Rock Deity 2.0!"), but the lead singer of Bloc Party doesn't deserve such pap. Kele's vocals ping-pong from frenetic sensuality (see "Flux") to ethereality ("Tulips") at a moment's notice, making him the perfect po-mo pop candy for those of us too jaded for love songs and too old to be reading Tiger Beat. — C.L.


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So glad to see Kele Okereke on this list. He may be a bit too new to be ranked among some of these heavyweights of cock-rock, but he's definitely a dreamboat.

DS commented on 04/30

Dave Gahan at #40 is a crime.

commented on 04/30

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that the Hooksexup editors have their musical heads up their asses. While some of the entries are questionable altogether, the order is completely out of whack. The Hooksexup editors should stick to subjects they know about. This ain't one of them.

MF commented on 04/30

Ok, you've somewhat redeemed yourselves after the whole "40 Sexiest Frontwomen" debacle, and I mostly agree with your list. However, the omissions of Pete Steele (Type O Negative's tall, dark, brooding, resident vampire), Mike Ness (Social Distortion's sexy, tattooed, rockabilly punk), Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers' silly, sexy, cowboy rocker), and Tim Armstrong (Rancid's, Transplants', etc. reformed and adorable dope fiend (why are all the junkies so friggin' hot?!?) Also, I want to pay tribute to my beloved Joey Ramone. Granted, not traditionally sexy, but neither are half the men on your list. If you ever do a "Romantic Sweetie" list, make sure Joey's on it!

MS commented on 04/30

Not as bad as the previous article, but I really don't understand why Indie music nerds are always forcing their opinions with the veil of objectivity. Guess I shouldn't complain too much since Alex Chilton wasn't on the list . . .

GTO commented on 04/30

I'd add Steven Tyler. There's something about that energy and innuendo...

ls commented on 04/30

I was getting more and more nervous as I got down the list, worrying that Freddie Mercury would be forgotten. Whew, relief. There will never be a sexier frontman!

mmmm commented on 04/30

Trent Reznor? Perry Farrell? Damon Albarn? Robert Smith? Jón þor Birgisson (Sigur Ros)? Paul Banks (Interpol)? Jason Pierce (Spiritualized)? Many, many others I'm sure.

JR commented on 04/30

Seriously? Robert Plant is #6? I just saw him on tv the other day, some concert in the 60s or whenever the fuck it was, and his penis was staring at me through his pants. He was sex personified on stage, and I thought he was going to fuck me through 40 years and the television screen. I had to hide my eyes, but I peeked through them.

alr commented on 04/30

Zappa. Zounds, but he's #1, the zed, the ultra, the man. how could you ?

pw commented on 04/30

I haven't bothered to see how many people corrected you for saying that London Calling was the Clash's first album. Shame on you. What a weird, weird selection. I hope you don't choose the men you go out with the same way you chose these guys. Talk about looking for trouble!

AW commented on 05/01

you assholes, you forgot michael hutchence

df commented on 05/01

take comfort in the fact that you are almost as clueless as rolling stone magazine, but still, you sux

dwp commented on 05/01

Wow - no Rivers Cuomo?

mda commented on 05/02

The mind is the sexiest organ. How about Peter Gabriel? You left out Marty Balin and Bryan Ferry. Did you intend to include homosexuals? Freddy Mercury is gay as I am sure are several others. He is about as sexy as Liza Minelli's ex to a large segment of the Hooksexup readership - I mean women. Anyone who would put Morrisey or David Bowie ahead of Jimi or Jim/Doors or Jagger never saw them in action. You should have added "For All Proclivities Sexual."

TFT commented on 05/02

Wheres billy corgan?

ch commented on 05/04

I can't believe no one's pointed out the mistake on Ian Curtis yet! "Lights are flashing, cars are crashing" is from "Disorder," not "She's Lost Control."

TH commented on 05/04

Where the hell is Roger Daltrey? - the greatst frontman in the history of rock.

BC commented on 05/05

David Sylvian from Japan. Once called "the most beautiful man in the world," and Nick Rhodes (and the rest of DD) stole everything he knew from him.

HB commented on 05/05

I have no respect for your list since you left out AC/DC frontman Bon Scott. Big mistake.

kg commented on 05/08

You've spelled Freddie Mercury wrong. Other than that, nice list, especially the top 5.

JB commented on 05/12

Nick Cave. Yes. Oh, yes.

JP commented on 06/03

You forgot David Lee Roth???

LP commented on 06/03

Prince above Robert Plant? And Morrisey above Jim Morrison? No Bon Scott?! Not a chance.

CW commented on 06/05

NO. Mick Jagger must be number one. He's infinitely sexier than Prince- Mick just oozes sex, hell, he INVENTED sex! Also, Hendrix needs to be higher up on the list.

SMS commented on 06/05

Adam of the Ants anyone? Tweens are watching his videos on Youtube and squirming in their seats. Twenty lashes with a wet mascara wand, you fiends! And I second the person who nominated Peter Gabriel -- during the Genesis years he was sexy AND cerebral. No small feat.

NJH commented on 06/05

Not a bad top three, actually. Not bad at all. Presley really SHOULD be in the top ten, though.

LGL commented on 06/09

The list is incomplete without the following: Roger Daltrey, and Peter Steele. I'd also add En Esch (Slick Idiot, Pigface, KMFDM), but I can understand his being left out. Those ginormous, freaky eyes of his are kinda scary. Yeah, Peter Steele is kinda scary too, but he knows when to put the scary away. En Esch has it out there all the time. Still — Roger Daltrey — NOTHIN' scary about him! He was and is, 100% caramel-dipped sex-on-wheels, even on the downhill side of his sixties.

DS commented on 06/15

Peter Steele most definitely! And David Draiman.

MN commented on 06/15

Oooh, yeah ... if you don't have Michael Hutchence on here, this just ain't a finished list.

knb commented on 06/18

If you saw interviews of Sebastian Bach in 1989-1994, I think you might consider rearranging your list and add him somewhere in top 10. Cheers!

Bach commented on 06/19

Diamond David Lee Roth!!!

TMT commented on 07/07

This is a great list! I wouldn't change much, probably add a few (Chris Cornell, Marvin Gaye, Mike Patton, Eddie Vedder, Robert Smith) and remove a few - Anthony Kiedis is just corny to me, and I *never* got the appeal of Jim Morrison. But obviously a matter of taste. Your top 10 are pretty solid, Freddie Mercury is friggin' hot and Robert Plant is sex personified. Can't wait til I have 2 hours to spare on your Sexiest Frontwomen list!

JCB commented on 07/09

Bowie should have topped that list

CL commented on 07/16

eric adams?

tzr commented on 07/21

JON BON JOVI????? ROGER DALTREY?????? MICHAEL HUTCHENCE???? EDDIE VEDDER???? MARVIN GAYE??? & if ELVIS didn't start it ALL, none of the rest would have known what to do or how to use what they had, he led the way for ALL, there was NO ROCK & ROLL BEFORE ELVIS...he should definitely be NUMBER 1!!! SHAME ON YOU......

pgw commented on 07/29

Anthony Kiedis got even better looking with age and RHCP still rocks. I would move him up for sure. Some of the picks are absurddddd. Elvis is definitely top 10 if not top 5. He was a stud.

NP commented on 08/03

Forty sexiest frontmen in rock history??? Where is AXL ROSE??? He should be the 1st :(

ILA commented on 08/11

Yet another ass-kissing "top blah" list. Yes we see how sophisticated your musical tastes are. But the poll is SEXIEST. If ANYONE thinks Michael Stipe is sexy, they're blind and deaf! fill all 50 spots of the TOP 50 MOST POINTLESS WEBSITES ON THE WEB.

gfr commented on 08/14

where is damon albarn!? he is the hottest brit from the 90s and Julian Casablancas from the strokes should definitely be here!

L.R commented on 08/31

Where are Matthew Bellamy, Alex Turner, Julian Casablancas, Billy Joe Armstrong? And Syd Barret?

gf commented on 09/05

This list fails without the inclusion of Def Leppard's frontman, Joe Elliott. What's wrong with you people?!?? He's fine and can sing "Love Bites" to me all day long.

RLF commented on 09/07

Dave Gahan at 40??? EPIC FAIL! He's top 10 material, easily!

RM commented on 09/08

Morrissey at 3?? and Dave Gahan at 40??? EPIC MOUNTAIN OF FAIL!!!

RM commented on 09/08

Great read. Top 5 - bang on!!!

NB commented on 09/08

Where Is Sid Vicious???????????? OR Joey Ramone???????? YOU FAil

we commented on 10/07

Another vote here for Michael Hutchence!

SR commented on 10/07

Oh yes - Phil Lynott definitely. His voice is soooooo... oh my...

sws commented on 10/14

Eddie Veder, Marilyn Manson (If we're thinking about pleasing a wide audience, perhaps the look from the Mechanical Animals-era? Seems that androgyny is sexy), BILLY CORGAN?

JF commented on 10/15

Gosh, Jim Morrison, Sting David Byrne, FREDDIE MERCURY! YES!!! I still have faith in the world. But, seriously, am I the ONLY one on the planet that thinks that Roger Daltrey is gorgeous? Because I think he definitley should have been on this list. Christ, did he have beauitful hair.

None commented on 10/15

I can't not believe David L Roth is not at least in the top 10, and Steven Tyler . As for Michael Stipe , nah !

vkqt commented on 10/18

Only a few I agree with to be honest, Kurt Cobain being the best. Where the hell are Matt Bellamy and Billie Joe Armstrong???? PLEASE don't tell me the above weirdos are hotter than them!?

AH commented on 10/24

Morrissey at #3. Yes!

LN commented on 10/29

prince?????? this list is 80% wrong, yes David Gahan deserve better place in this list, Axl Rose also needed be there of course

dsd commented on 10/29

now, come on! LEt's not kid ourselves! John Lennon was NOT sexy. If we're just talking raw, physical attraction, then Paul & George were miles sexier than him!

RE commented on 12/06

and bilie joe armstrong is practically sex on legs!

RE commented on 12/06

Another resounding hells yeah for Billie Joe Armstrong

EM commented on 12/08

WHERE IS Michael Hutchence ???????????????????????????????????

SSS commented on 12/19

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