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Reader Feedback on "Testing: Nerd-Dating Sites"
Oh no! Your article misses the nerdiest dating website of all: Intellect Connect (!
Im russell at [email protected] and love the nerdy girl in the picture drinking coffee, is she datable? I would worship her like a goddess, russell, in roswell nm
Yeah these geek dating sites are really taking off!
these nerd and geek dating sites are becoming more and more popular.
Wow, you wrote about "nerdy dating sites" without mentioning the website that's about three times the size (and maybe 3 times as nerdy) of the ones you covered: Intellect Connect ( Hot librarians, bespectacled Clark Kents; you get the picture!
I really don't see the point to all of this. Whenever I show women my incredible skills at popular games such as "Super Mario Bros." (on which I can almost reach stage 4-3) they throw their clothes off and jump all over me. You can certainly take some of MY advice on if you think you're up for it.
Hi John, this is the former roommate of a friend of yours who has told me a lot of good things about you (hopefully that's introduction enough). Your comment on the difficulty of nerds finding dates and how nerd culture has been deemed "hip" in the media made me think about the popularity of the nerd image rather than the actual nerd lifestyle. Real nerds spend their days in animated discussions about highly obscure video game errata, painting miniatures in their rooms, and gushing about movies with two or more sequels. It seems that this lifestyle is not what gets one dates but rather having the image of the nerd without actually being one. I sincerely hope that the sites you linked provide services for actual nerds rather than for indies dressed in nerds' clothing. Experience has taught me, however not to get surprised when this turns out not to be the case.
Nerd love is best love. Although, I think you can be nerdy about things besides computers. I am recently in love with
Oh god... I am a geek, the first thing that stood out was the authors name - John Constantine (you know - Hellblazer).

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