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The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
Our favorite online video. This week: Bjork's video for "Cocoon."
The Night Before Christmas by Chas Ray Krider
A holiday gallery. /photography/
Unmentionables by Amy Yang
Photograms of ladies' underwear. /photography/
Film Reviews by Mike D'Angelo, Bilge Ebiri and Logan Hill
Munich is soul-crushing; The New World is magical. (Yes, the Pochahontas movie.) /film/
Scanner by Ada Calhoun
Now daily! Today: Tabloid Fodder, an anti-holiday film round-up and the Geek Gorgeous 2006 Wall Calendar.
Vision Quest by Chris Dahlen
I searched the internet for a decent sex game. *video games issue*
Design for Living by Marie Lyn Bernard
For breakup therapy, I turned to The Sims. *video games issue*
Bad Influence by Rufus Griscom
Steven Johnson explains why too many books — and not enough gaming — rots your brain. *video games issue*
Mario Agonistes by Brady Miller-Wakeham
A thesis on gender in the world's most popular game. *video games issue*
Playmates by Will Doig
What keeps this thirty-two-year marriage exciting: Dr. Mario. *video games issue*
Miss Information by Erin Bradley
Interoffice sapphic yearning and a sexpal's dirty laundry. /advice/
The Grandmother of All Gamers by Sarah Harrison
A Q&A with a player they call Grandma Hardcore. *video games issue*
Game Girls Advance by Kyle Machulis
Female designers like Brenda Brathwaite are storming the castle. *video games issue*
Not-So-Final Fantasy by Gwynne Watkins
Researcher Hugh Bowen on why we get emotionally attached to our Xboxes. *video games issue*
Horoscopes by Neal Medlyn
Your week in sex.
The Henry Miller Awards by Various
This month: algebra, train travel and an Oscar-winning performance. /regulars/
The Weekly Pic by Jason Wishnow
This week: Woomba. /regulars/

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