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Talking to Strangers: New York

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.

By Grace Bello

Amy, 32

What do you do?
I'm in sales.

Does that get you a lot of dates?
No, not at all. I don't really socialize with my co-workers because, for the most part, they're older, so we don't go out together.

So where do you meet dates?
At bars!

Do you have any dating stories you want to share?
A really bad one was the first time I ever went on a date with someone I met online. I think it was, like, MySpace or something. It was a really great photo, and he was trendy and cool-looking. It must have been old because he had blond frosted tips. I don't know why I was into that. But when I saw him, he was ten years older. It was not okay — not like the photo. It was horrible. We just didn't get along. That was the end of that.

What's your relationship status now?
Married. It'll be a year next week.

How did you end up meeting your husband?
Through my college roommates. He was my college friend's new roommate. And I used to hang out at their apartment all the time.

So how long did you know each other before you got married?
Four years. [Her friend: "Didn't you go on Blind Date?"] I went on Change of Heart.

Oh, that's a reality show?
That was a bad date! That was a really bad one!

What happened?
I went on a date — they ask you the profile of the guy you want to date. I'm like, "Italian, athletic..." He was Italian. I guess he was athletic — I mean, he wasn't overweight, you know? But he was just so dorky! It was so strange. It was so awkward, because the camera was on you and everything. My friend, however, had a date on Change of Heart with a Hooters girl. He made out fairly well, I guess. [laughs] I was very bitter about it.



Rico, 32

What do you do?
It's more like, "What don't I do?" I was bartending. I had an art show in Park Slope last week, some fashion sculptures that I did. I also do art modeling, and I cut hair, and I sell vintage clothes. I'm in a dance troupe. Just a bunch of different stuff.

What gets you the most dates?
I guess the most dates come from bartending.

So what kind of women are you looking for?
Dating-wise, pretty faces are my weakness, I guess. But then personal style and confidence and awareness, I guess. And being sweet, genuine. I don't like phony people.

Have you had any dating experience with someone like that?
Oh yeah. Tons! It wasn't real.

Do you have any crazy exes?
Yeah, I do. I dated this girl a year ago, and she was really sweet, but she was really flirtatious with everybody when we would go out. So I would tell her, "Look, it's cool. We don't have to be serious, you know? We can still date other people." She'd be like, "No, I don't want to date other people. I've been waiting for you my whole life, and you're the only one I want to date!"

She was hooking up with other people?
No, she was just really flirtatious with everybody, and she would ignore me when we would go out. I'd be like, "This isn't really a relationship to me." But then we'd be together, and she would be all about me. It was just really awkward. She drove me nuts. And then so one time — she knows a lot about different stuff, which is really cool — I was working on some carpentry art at my friend's motorcycle shop. She was going to come help me. So she met me over there and my friend had this big sewing machine, and he didn't know anything about sewing. She was like, "Well, I'll help you out with it." Instead of helping me, she helped my friend out. I was like, "Well, that's cool, but I could really use your help." But she was ignoring me, and being all flirtatious with him. He's a model. Eventually he said something to her like, "Oh, I thought you weren't wearing underwear. I see you are." And she was like, "No, I'm not." And she pulled her shorts open to show him. And this girl wants to be my girlfriend?

It sounds like she wanted attention from anywhere.
Yeah. Maybe. But I think she did genuinely want to be my girlfriend, which was like... it didn't compute.

What do you think of the dating scene in New York?
Honestly, I've never been in an even relationship. Either the other person likes me more than I like them or vice-versa. I don't know; I feel kind of cursed in that way. When I was a kid, when I was in junior high, if a girl liked me and I thought that we weren't going to get married, I wouldn't really pursue anything. For years, I was like that. And then I realized how many great relationships I probably missed out on because of that mentality. So I kind of changed it, but I still haven't been in an even relationship ever. But, it's really nice in New York; I think the girls are, like, five to one to the guys.

I think so too.
And the women are just really incredible in New York. Most of them are thin because you have to walk everywhere. And besides that, they have really cool ideas and style and interests. And there are so many people in New York. It's like the whole universe in one city.



Scott, 21

What do you do?
I study fine art.

Do you get a lot of dates through that?
I have a steady boyfriend of a year and a half.

So how's that going?
Really well. He's really intelligent, and I like that a lot. That's what I look for in a guy, definitely. That rapport is very important.

Is this your first serious relationship?
Yes! I've never had a boyfriend before him. I had a five-year "something." You know, gayness is very odd in small-town America. I had something a while ago, but we were never official. It was on and off. This is the first real relationship I've ever had. We really, really care about each other. It's wonderful.

Where are you from?
Upstate New York. It's very conservative there. It's a different way of life — it's a lot slower, and gayness means something very different in a slower community. I don't know. There aren't many out, gay men in a small community in upstate New York. That's why I came to the city. Although actually, I found my boyfriend upstate. He went to school there.

So you met there, and you moved here?
And then I came to study here, yeah.

When you were dating, what was your dating experience like?
I'm twenty-one, so it was more high-school-related. There wasn't an out, gay community. The people who were out were very promiscuous and kind of shallow, to be honest. I was never really into that scene: "You're gay and I'm gay, so now we have to hook up." That's how it works. And I was never really into that. I'm much more of a relationship guy.

What do you like about the gay scene here?
In New York? I've never actually been a part of it because I've had a boyfriend since I moved here, but I think gay bars are fun. 

That guy that you had an on and off thing with — what was that like?
We were both in a town that was kind of repressed, and what that does to someone at a very young age is kind of interesting. Because we were close but never as friends — only as hookups. So it was a weird situation. And he was very repressed and didn't want to admit that he was gay — that was the biggest thing. He didn't want to come out of the closet because to him that meant social ruin in some way.

Interesting. So do you feel like you were ever closeted?
I didn't really hide it from people. If they asked, I would say something. It was pretty much common knowledge because I was never straight by any means. I never really hung out with the jocks. I was an art nerd from a very young age. That was my thing. I just didn't really care.

Commentarium (61 Comments)

Oct 06 11 - 1:46am

Dr Timmy is creepy, and continuing to read more of his answers is only confirming this.

Oct 06 11 - 7:45pm

No doubt. What is he, a pedophile? Get real, dude.

Oct 07 11 - 4:51am

He reminds me of Super Hans from Peep Show. Anyone?

Oct 22 11 - 3:14pm

that motherfucker is from MADTV...he is that character....."C'MON!"

Oct 22 11 - 3:15pm

marvin tikvah!

Nov 08 11 - 5:31am


Oct 06 11 - 4:47am

Poor Meriwether needs to invest in some crest white strips.

Oct 06 11 - 12:53pm

Nah, she's good.

Oct 06 11 - 7:06pm


Oct 06 11 - 7:06pm


Oct 06 11 - 7:46pm

@bloop - give your fucking head a shake. Not everyone needs to be a photoshopped fake with plastic tits. You media whore.

Oct 09 11 - 9:24pm
Media whore

what are you saying theres something wrong with my plastic tits what theyre empowering cmon. this is what liberation from having to do what guys want all the time looks like.

Oct 06 11 - 8:12am

"I was forty-one when I met her. She was nineteen. When we met, we were both bonked out of our heads at four o'clock in the morning at a psytrance party."

Yeah, Dr. Timmy, I can't imagine why that marriage didn't work, either.

Oct 06 11 - 7:47pm

Uh huh, I'm scratching my head, too. Was it the drugs, or was it the father-daughter age gap? Sersly.

Oct 06 11 - 8:45am

I am so glad to see Bob Dylan on Hooksexup!

Oct 06 11 - 7:47pm
Bob Dylan

Yo, muthafuckah, I stop by for a spicy fry every once in a while. Praise Jesus!

Oct 07 11 - 6:25am

Bob, I thought you were Rick Springfield for a minute there.

Oct 06 11 - 10:06am

I love visiting NYC for a few days at a time, but this group of people is exactly why I have no desire to live there.

Oct 06 11 - 12:27pm

Yes, because (with the exception of the fine Dr.) a bunch of college kids who will move back to L.A. in 4 years are representative of all New Yorkers. You only have no desire to live here because you couldn't hack it, David.

Oct 06 11 - 12:56pm

@NY, you could have saved a few keystrokes by simply replying, "I'm too defensive to allow your comment to go unanswered!"

And for the record, I also love regularly visiting my friends in NY, since there's always something fun and interesting to do with them and so many cool people to meet, but I would hate to live in such a dirty, loud, congested, self-absorbed, and provincial place. So I don't. Other people, like some of my friends, find the trade-offs acceptable, and I see them as no more insane (or sane) than myself.

Oct 06 11 - 1:18pm

@Hah. Well said, and much more eloquent than me. My sister's lived there for 10 years. I try to make it out there a couple times a year, and I love my visits to NYC. But I also love returning to Chicago, where you can get a single family home for the price of an NYC studio. And NY's right, I probably couldn't hack it least from a financial perspective. Living in cramped quarters is fine when you're single...but add a couple kids to the mix, and there's no way I could afford it. I don't really see that as a character flaw though.

Oct 06 11 - 5:56pm

@Hah -- you are literally using "provincial" in its exact opposite sense. You're right about dirty, loud, congested and self-absorbed, though.

Oct 06 11 - 7:50pm

@dave - I have a dirty, loud, congested and self-absorbing cough, deep from my lungs. (It could be semen from the last blowjob though.) Should I move to NYC?

Oct 06 11 - 10:29pm

@Ah-ha. Why are you inhaling semen into your lungs? I was always taught to spit, swallow, or some combination thereof. I think you might be doing it wrong. That said, Im sure there 's knowledgeable folk in your area that can help you out, although Im sure there in nyc either you got your bases covered.

Oct 07 11 - 10:35am

@faulknersaysrelax There are some definitions of "provincial" that wouldn't make sense in that context, however I used it as Webster's defines the adjective: "limited in outlook, or narrow," which I used to generalize about the attitude of many NYers, meaning that they often restrict their interests to what happens in NY. Maybe that redundantly overlaps with "self-absorbed" to a degree, but as for it being the opposite of reality, I don't believe it is.

Oct 07 11 - 10:56am

touche, salesman. I humbly withdraw my criticism.

Oct 06 11 - 10:32am

'Dr. Timmies' make the world go round!

Oct 06 11 - 10:49am

Dr. Timmy= Howard Stern

Oct 06 11 - 12:16pm

I would rather hang out with dr. timmy than any of these other boring-ass twats.

Oct 06 11 - 6:34pm


Oct 06 11 - 7:50pm

He's all yours. Hope you're a teenager, 'cause that's all he's interested in...

Oct 06 11 - 9:00pm

"I feel like you're moving backwards if you don't move to New York." shut up, nicole.

Oct 06 11 - 10:25pm

Why so many youngsters?? Scott's story was cute, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the youngsters. It is kind of nice to be reminded of what it's like to be 19 and being ~cRaZy aNd fUn~ but we didn't need three of those stories.

Oct 07 11 - 12:21am

Is that Howard Stern?

Oct 09 11 - 9:23am

Hooksexup - Why do you pick such a small subset of people? Lafayette between Astor and Delancey reaaallly cuts down on a lot of cool and interesting commentary you could be otherwise getting....

Oct 09 11 - 10:21am

That's it. Sunglasses are officially banned.

Oct 09 11 - 10:13pm
thiaratimmy do you respond to some NCO that has been at kings bay Georgia and has never deployed for the past 2 years while you've been in 3 combat deployments in the past 3?? Now that was just an example but my question remains how do most of you as combat vets feel when an NCO that has never had a combat deployment shows up and thinks that because he is an NCO that he knows just as much and has the right to explain the ways of combat to people who have already experienced it??

Difficult situation of course but there should be new NCOs with you who you been to Iraq with who will have a talk with him

Oct 11 11 - 1:32pm

I read the comments first before the article and most of the 'interesting' ones are always on the second page..

Oct 11 11 - 10:41pm

Dr. Timmy needs to stop being Dr. Creepy.

Oct 23 11 - 11:20pm

. And, the doorway to this love is gratitude.

Isn't it interesting that the simplest formula for happiness in life, "Look at the bright side," is so very difficult to do? Actually, that's why I can make a profitable living as a marriage counselor. People get so wrapped up in their fear that they can't get along with a partner

Oct 24 11 - 5:28am

.The anti-war movement was gaining momentum in the United States, which lead to cries from Nixon for the silent majority of US citizens to make their opinion heard in their support for the war. Public opinion, although wavering, suffered more than ever when revelation of the My Lai Massacre were revealed. The killing of civilians, which included women and children, sparked outrage internationally and strengthened the position of Nixon's opponents.

Oct 24 11 - 8:31am

. He can't match a Tiger Woods drive and he knows it. What I admired about him was that he didn't let this get him down in any way. He accepts the fact that he's older now and not capable of doing what he did in the past, but even so, he won't allow that to dampen his spirit or his competitiviness.

Second: Knowing he can't drive the ball as far as the younger guys, he concentrates on making the best drive he can and keeping the ball in play, while trying to set himself up for his next shot

Nov 03 11 - 2:42am

F.A.Q :

Nov 04 11 - 9:21pm

. Without doubt this doesn't happen toasty their hearts to listen that a commercially made process wishes to set a lot of these general behemoths at this shoreline belonging to the premises they've happen to be battling to save.

As I said to begin with, I think in the requirement alternative electricity. I simply don't even think it fits everywhere you go. Must use each of our wisdom concerning these complaints.

Nov 05 11 - 12:53am

. Apparently he has a problem with all the frivolous lawsuits that are clogging up the courts. Well I see his point as I believe that to be a problem as well. But does another frivolous lawsuit help the situation?In my opinion, all this did was raise awareness of the Senator. If that was his goal he accomplished it. If his goal was to truly stop frivolous lawsuits, well then he just wasted his time and the courts. The Constitution allows the courthouse doors to be "open" and this is a freedom that we cherish

Nov 05 11 - 3:46am

. Some of them also offer 100% fraud protection as well as online account access and points management. The latter is very convenient for the cardholders to track and manage their expense.

If you have been rooting for your favorite sport or team with T-shirts and bumper stickers, maybe it is time you consider getting a sport visa credit card. It is another excellent way to support and promote your favorite sport or team.

Nov 05 11 - 3:46am

. Then, at times, the engaged couple hosts an engagement party. The engagement party costs less than a wedding reception since most of the time, the menu will only include cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Therefore, if the couple is on a tight budget, they can just invite more guests to the engagement party if they plan to limit the number of guests during the wedding.

Most wedding preparations include a bridal shower hosted by the maid of honor and the bridesmaids

Nov 05 11 - 12:37pm

. The answer has nothing to do with how we feel. Indeed, if the situation is one in which we consider we have been, or are being, injured, it is likely that our feelings will be telling us to do exactly the opposite!As Christians, we have taken up an option. Above anything else, it is an option of Love and it is therefore an option to love. We have no choice in the matter whatever the matter happens to be. If it happens that our emotions are tending to move us in the same direction as our will, that is merely an accidental benefit

Nov 20 11 - 10:54am

Begun, the great ientnret education has.

Nov 20 11 - 12:45pm

QRUOTF cqvqpcslvkwp

Nov 23 11 - 4:55pm
G Unit

Dr. Timmy - I don't know what went wrong..
Couple questions later about wife, I was 41, she was 19 when we met.
Ya think that MIGHT have something to do with it?

Nov 24 11 - 2:37pm

px1oqz iciorkbulxbd

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