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Talking to Strangers

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we just met.


Anika, 18

What do you do for a living?
I'm an NYU freshman. My intended major is social and cultural analysis. It might switch to Africana Studies.

What's the dating pool like at NYU?
There are a lot of gay guys. If you see a cute guy, you don't ask if he's cute first, you ask, "Is he straight?" That's the first thing that matters.

If a guy wanted to get to know you on New Year's Eve, what should he do?
I hate the whole, "Yo miss," "Yo girl" approach. Just come up and talk. Don't be super-abrasive, like "Yo miss" or "Yo, shorty with the cool hair." None of that stuff.

What are your dealbreakers with guys?
I have some pet peeves — I like guys with dreads, but braids, not so much. So if you have short hair and you start growing braids, I'm like, "No, you have to just cut it off." I don't know how you're going to get it from short to like, your elbow, but it needs to get there like this [snaps] because I can't take the process. Another thing: guys who aren't responsible. I don't like baggy clothes. I don't like a lot of arrogance. And don't try to lie, oh my God, that's so insulting.

Sounds like there's a story there. What guy lied to you?
This guy wanted to have sex with me. We weren't dating, we weren't in a relationship — we were just feeling each other out — and he was like, "It will bring us closer together." I was like, "Are you fucking kidding me?" I have had many before you, and I'm sure that this is not the end-all, be-all right here. I hung up on him and called my friend. Later on he was like, "You know me and your friend were together when you called us, right?" The whole time he was lying about the situation. He was like, "I was with your friend when you called both of us, you tried to catch us." And I was like, "I caught you because you just told me."

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
Yeah, that guy! I broke up with him and went on vacation to Barbados. He went insane. He broke into my email and was emailing this new guy who I was talking to — he was saying all this stuff and the guy was replying back. And while my ex-boyfriend was sending him all these crazy messages, I was applying for an internship, and he was also emailing the lady, like "F you," and "SMD." She was like, "Excuse me?" I was like, "Oh my God, I'm sorry." I had to change my email.

What's the craziest place you've had sex?
It's not really crazy, but in my driveway — no car, just my driveway. It was a quickie kind of thing with my ex-boyfriend. It was 2 a.m., misty, and it just happened. It was really cool.

Miles, 23

What do you do for a living?
As means to an end? I'm a server and a bartender. But my passion is dancing. I'm a professional dancer.

Do you get a lot of dates in the dancing world?
You can, but the problem is, if you dance with them on a regular basis and then it works out badly, it's not the most pleasant experience. I've excommunicated myself from dating in the dancing world.

How about bartending?
Confidence is the sexiest thing to me. I had a guy come in, first thing he did, he darted straight from the door right to me and said, "You are the hottest thing I've seen in a long time." I asked him what he was drinking, then he asked me what time I got off work. Probably one of the best one-night stands I've ever had.

Do you have any good holiday hook-up stories?
Now you're getting personal! I think I was nineteen years old and it was Christmas Eve. I drove down to San Diego to meet a hook-up. After my hook-up, driving home at three o'clock in the morning on Christmas day, my car broke down in the middle of the freeway. After spending fifteen-hundred dollars on Christmas presents, I was stuck with a fifteen-hundred-dollar car bill. So, Merry Christmas — but at least I got fucked.

If someone wanted to get laid on New Year's Eve, what is your advice to them?
Rock out with your cock out. Just put it out there.

Literally, put it out there?

Just unzip that shit?
Literally. Someone is bound to say, "Hey, can I play with that?"

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
I can't say I've ever dated a guy long enough to classify him as a boyfriend, but I have some crazy fuck-buddies. Ex-fuck-buddies. Checking my phone, my emails, showing up at my work — when I didn't tell him where I worked.

What do you think the hottest thing someone's done for you?
I've gotta say, just being woken up in bed by a kiss and a cup of hot tea, and a banana and a bagel and a bong-load. It's just like, "Wow, this is a perfect morning." Just got laid, now I'm getting high, and I'm eating a wonderful breakfast that was brought to me. That's sexy.


Ashley, 25

What do you do for a living?
I'm a journalist.

Does that ever get you dudes?
It does, actually. Everyone finds it fascinating because it's so different. That helps out, but I just moved to this city and I had some guy ask to bite me. My first weekend out in the city and we were at a bar. He was wasted and he asked me, "So what do you do, blah blah blah?" I told him and he was like, "Can I bite you?" I said, "No, that's weird." He proceeded to bite my bicep.

So if a guy wanted to pick you up on New Year's Eve, definitely no biting! What should he do?
He needs to have a sense of humor, which actually in the city is kind of hard to find. There are a lot of macho guys out here, so just someone with a good sense of humor who can laugh and have a good time without bringing money into the conversation. Biggest thing though: never pull out your cell phone and text someone while on a date with me. I've had that every single date I've been on here.

Every date? What do you say?
The first date I went on was at a bar and he was on his phone or watching TV the whole time. I was like, you asked me out, I didn't ask you out. Second kid I went out with — same thing. No texting, don't talk about money, don't talk about ex-girlfriends because that just shows you're a little psycho-obsessed.

Do these guys call you afterwards? Do they think these were good dates?
Yeah, actually, I've gotten some call-backs. Do I return the phone call? No.

Do you have any crazy ex-boyfriends?
I do, actually. He's from high school and he's nuts. He's married with a baby and he still calls me about once a year — and we've been broken up for six years. He called me the night of his bachelor party, drunk-dialed me and said, "Meet me out." I was like, "Aren't you getting married?" He's getting ready to have a baby and he called me over the summer. I was like, "How is your pregnant wife?"

Where's the craziest place you've had sex?
It's not really crazy, but a hot tub. It's actually one of my favorite places to do it. I hear it's not sanitary, but the danger of getting caught makes it more exciting.

Have you ever gotten caught?
While having sex in a hot tub? Yes. We were at my boyfriend's apartment and some guy came up the stairs. So I quickly had to get off my boyfriend, and then we told the other guy, "You have to get out. The hot tub is closed."

Commentarium (13 Comments)

Dec 29 09 - 12:29pm

boring psycho stupid

Dec 29 09 - 12:54pm

"I hear it's not sanitary.". LOL sanitary

Dec 30 09 - 3:29pm

Shoulder bites are the worst.

Dec 30 09 - 6:04pm

I wanna know where Anika is gonna be this New Years, damn.

Dec 30 09 - 7:30pm

Oh Miles, If only you were straight!

Dec 31 09 - 11:33am

on a hot tub COME ON!!!!

Dec 31 09 - 9:05pm


Jan 01 10 - 3:21am

shoulder bites are the best

Jan 01 10 - 5:35pm

dfg, MILES, hello!

Jan 02 10 - 12:36pm

Miles is the gayest thing dfg, next time please bother to read before commenting. I can't believe a straight girl found him attractive

Jan 02 10 - 4:58am

Gay dudes' hookups are sooo boring to listen to. "I took my cock out. Some guy started blowing me." Rinse, repeat. Whatevs.

Jan 06 10 - 12:53am

I totally just LOL'd at your comment. Gay hookup stories are soooo boring! Unless it involves a vagina or two.

Jan 14 10 - 5:38am
Yu B

@PO is right haha