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Talking To Strangers: New York, NY

Hooksexup asks deeply personal questions to people we've just met.

Cinnamon, 28

What is your name and what do you do?
My name is Cinnamon and I'm a massage therapist.

Cinnamon? Really?
Yeah, I've thought about changing it.

So you're a cute redhead named Cinnamon. Guys must go totally ape-shit for that.
Yeah, they do. But I handle it well.

What's the worst pick-up line you've gotten?
Probably, "Do you taste like Cinnamon?" That's pretty sleazy.

And you're a massage therapist. That probably also attracts the men.
I screen my calls, I screen who I see, so I've saved myself from a lot of awkward situations.

Have you ever given a massage and had a guy get a boner?
Yeah, they happen. It's a natural response. If you stimulate the inside of the thigh and the butt for men. Abdominal massages are also really stimulating, so I avoid that with my male customers unless they're really cool and I'm not worried about them catching a boner.

Have you ever had to deal with any creepiness?
Oh yes, definitely. I've had some very scary situations where I've had to make them leave. A man came into the office I worked at — this was in the earlier stages of my career — and he had said that he was traveling through town, which should have put the red flag up right there, but he claimed he was also a massage therapist. He arrived reeking of alcohol and then wanted to demonstrate some moves on me. I was like, my name might be Cinnamon, but I'm not that type of person.

Are you in a relationship right now?
I am. I've been with my man for eight years and engaged for five.

So what's holding up the marriage?
Um, certainty? On both of our parts. We just aren't sure. So we're going to see how it goes before we make that commitment. Maybe that commitment isn't necessary for everyone, to have that marriage under their belt, but me and him, we're just taking our time. If we marry, we marry; if we stay together forever and don't get married, that's cool too.

Can you pinpoint what's making you both hesitant?
Well, his parents were in a long relationship, for over thirty years, and got divorced after that. So he doesn't have a great model for relationships, but my parents have been together since they were fifteen. So I'm the one who probably keeps us together. I'm probably more for marriage, but I certainly don't want to marry him if he isn't sure.

What kind of positive things do you have to say about marriage?
I do feel that it gives you that security, that your man isn't going to go out and look for another girl. Getting married is like moving to the next level of trust.

Do you want kids?
I do, I do. Not right now, not this second. But he doesn't!

Wait, you guys have been together for eight years and…
Well, he used to want children. He says he doesn't want them now, but he still has that look to him and he still does think about it. He doesn't completely say no, so maybe that's why I'm staying with him.


Yitzy, 27

What do you do?
I work at an appliance store selling stuff on Amazon and Ebay.

Has that ever gotten you laid?
Not particularly, no.

Are you single right now?
Yeah, I'm single right now.

When was the last time you got laid?
Four days ago. It was a girl that I was kind of dating. It wasn't exclusive, but then it got really complicated and I was getting a lot of anxiety from it because she was giving me shit when I wasn't around. She would text me all the time if I wasn't with her, and to her, me not being around was a problem, so she would antagonize me a little bit to make sure I was still thinking about her. We were very different. While we're having sex, I guess we just have a lot of the same preferences. But so different in every other way — she doesn't even understand my humor that well.

So what are these preferences?
She likes to please, I like to be very demanding. I like to tell her what to do. In particular, I like doggie style a lot, and I like when during that, she reaches under and plays with my balls. I also like blowjobs.

Do you like doggie style because it kind of approaches anal sex?
No! It's because I love women's asses! I love to see them move, especially if a girl has a sizable ass.

A lot of guys who are into visual stimulation like girls on top. Does that do it for you too? Or are you strictly a butt guy?
It depends on the girl. This girl had a nicer ass. But yeah, if a girl has nice breasts, my preferences sort of reverse.

Are you into any particular kinky stuff?
Certainly, but both people have to agree to that. I think you can slap a girl's ass without asking and then gauge what's going to happen next from her reaction to that.

If she's into that, what happens next?
Oh, like choking, slapping. The dominance and control is hot; it's kinky and that turns me on. It turns me on too especially thinking that the girl is naughty and into that stuff too. There are probably some issues there, but they seem like pretty standard ones.

Has anyone ever flipped it on you? Have you ever been choked?
Girls have done it to me before, but I don't really have a preference there. I don't mind it at all, but it's not a part of what turns me on.

How do you feel about dirty talk?
I like it a lot. Sometimes I'm feeling kind of blank and don't know what to say, but other times when you get into it, it's good.

Do you have a line you use?
"Do you like to get fucked like an animal?"

Wait, are you asking that while you're doing her doggie style? Because I think that I would laugh.
Yeah, sometimes I've just been so in the moment and said some crazy shit, and girls have definitely laughed at me.


Jessica, 30

What do you do?
I work in social services.

Oh. I was going to ask if that's ever gotten you laid, but…
No. No.

So are you in a relationship now?
Yes, I've been married for almost eight years. I got married at twenty-two. We've been together for thirteen years. We met when I was seventeen.

If you've been with your husband since you were seventeen, how many people have you slept with?

How do you keep married life interesting?
Well, we waited for about ten years to have kids. Having kids puts a little damper on sexual activity, but now, you know, the kids go to sleep... how detailed do you want me to get?

As much as you want. I have married friends who have sex in a closet, because that's the only place they won't get caught.
We have sex in the living room. We have two kids, a one-year-old and a three-year-old. Our sex life is actually really great; we have sex three to four times a week. The thing that makes it interesting is that now we have sex in the living room after the children go to sleep, and the lights are always on. It's more fun.

How is that stealthier than just having sex in your bedroom with the door locked?
Well, it's just more fun. Having sex in your bedroom with the lights off is fine and all, but now that I'm older and more comfortable, it definitely gets more porno than it did before.

What's your favorite porno move?
Oh man, we try a variety of positions! But everything is better with the lights on, I'll tell you that.

Do you guys have anal sex?
No, we don't. My stance on that has always been "hell no," but now — I don't know if you have kids — but now I'm kind of like, maybe. When you have children, there's things that get looser downstairs. So it'd probably be more for his sake than mine. Maybe a little for me too.

Have you tried doing kegels?
Yeah, I do. But it's never quite the same. Which I didn't realize until I read an article about it and then I asked my husband and he was like, "Yeah, it's different," and I was like, ugh, that sucks. It's more different for him than me. I can feel the change a little, but I think he's quite aware of it.

What's pregnant sex like?
I didn't enjoy it all. It wasn't like "there's a baby in me, this is dirty" — it was really physically uncomfortable for me. I'm pretty thin, so I could feel all the organs and the baby jamming into me. A lot of women really like pregnant sex, but not this one. But afterwards, you're supposed to wait six weeks to have sex and at week three, I was like, let's go! Six weeks is a really long time!

Was your husband into pregnant sex? Some guys are really turned on by pregnant women.
I don't think so. Oh, that's my brother over there, so...

And we're done!

Commentarium (39 Comments)

Apr 14 11 - 12:20am

The guy marfried to Jessica is very lucky. She seems like a fine person. Two of these three guys are extremely creepy and it's not tough to guess which two.

Apr 14 11 - 12:51am

What I'm sayin' is that this Cinnamon bitty know how to BE. Straight up she got that name first of all, second holy shit why even isn't this whole article about her?

Apr 14 11 - 12:54am

Yah also "marfried" is not a great word. It's difficult even to mistype that bitty of a word. xoxo

Apr 14 11 - 12:53am

Two married people and one (kind of) engaged person. I like the more committed edition.

Apr 19 11 - 4:38pm

Favorite response: "Park Slope is a different world." Aside from the fact that Will's arms apparently aren't huge assets outside of lifting things, there's also an insane number of people with kids. If you stay here long enough, you become one yourself.

Apr 14 11 - 1:15am

Jessica is exactly what I'm looking for! Seriouly, one hot wife/ mother-of-my-children!

Apr 17 11 - 5:54pm

You're looking for a loose vagine?

Apr 14 11 - 2:24am

these people are pretty great. does cinnamon really not realize she needs to DTMFA, though?

Apr 14 11 - 9:47am

Hah! Exactly what I was thinking. There were a ton of red flags there.

Apr 14 11 - 1:02pm
Robert Paulsen

I'd argue that in New York, the pressures toward marriage diminish. My friends in LA, NY, and even Chicago actively oppose their friends getting married. (Unless, of course, you're talking about something other than his hesitance to commit and get married)

Apr 17 11 - 5:55pm

Cinnamon is either dumb or very optimistic.

Apr 14 11 - 2:26am
Jj Abrams

Ughh, Park Slope. Why can't there be any other young people here to hang out with

Apr 14 11 - 7:14am

2 things, first @jjabrams, I'm young and I did the interview! I hang in Park Slope. Let's kick it sometime.

Second, hi Brad. :)

Apr 14 11 - 7:45am

love jesscia.
hate will.

Apr 14 11 - 8:47am

For some reason, that girl in the background of Reese's photo and then Will's seems entrancing. Too bad you didn't include an interview with her.

Apr 14 11 - 12:55pm

yea she looks really mysterious, mad hot

Apr 14 11 - 9:01am

Will, you're the bomb. Keep on rolling with your monosyllabic self.

Apr 14 11 - 9:55am

So I am pretty sure Yitzy is my soulmate.

Apr 14 11 - 9:54pm

I feel that way about him too. I like a guy who can be honest that way.

Apr 14 11 - 9:59am

Amazing work you are doing Lina.

Apr 14 11 - 10:48am

Nice work.

Apr 14 11 - 11:04am

seems like the biggest douche. Ever.

Apr 14 11 - 2:43pm

You didn't read Will's interview?

Apr 14 11 - 11:22am

my favorite part was the last question

Apr 14 11 - 11:26am

@Yitzy-- no way. I disagree. Yitzy is totally hot. And dominant. I respect a man who can speak openly about his kinks. PS- This is Hooksexup. If you aren't into speaking openly about kink, or at least hearing about it, why are you here? ..... Maybe find another website, like

Apr 14 11 - 1:14pm

Yitzy is way hot and dominant guys are hot because they are manly. In the bedroom that is hot.

Apr 14 11 - 3:05pm

This was a good TTS. I liked everyone except Will.
A man who knows how to be dominant in the bedroom is hot.

Apr 14 11 - 3:43pm
Edward SF

After reading Yitzy's replies I am now half panting / half sweating...

Apr 14 11 - 8:17pm

I like will, a lot. As a guy, I need more of his type around, so all the chai drinking talentless art girls around me find me irresistible.

Apr 14 11 - 9:22pm

Avery was annoying, she said "actually" so many times the word lost all meaning for me. And Will...should probably get slapped, what a dick.

Apr 15 11 - 1:41pm

jessica takes the cake on this one. porno sex in the living with the light on, with the potential for anal? yes please

Apr 15 11 - 8:04pm

Will just set guys back a decade or two...Cinnamon = nice. Avery = intriguing.

Apr 15 11 - 8:21pm

Jessica = lovely
Will = annoying

Apr 16 11 - 6:59am

Sorry, but dreadlocks look like poos.

Apr 16 11 - 2:13pm

Yitzy's going in the fantasy file.

May 08 11 - 10:03pm

Agreed! He is exactly what I'm looking for, dream of in bed. Hot!

Apr 18 11 - 2:57pm

Will and Yitzy need to meet.

Apr 23 11 - 10:50pm

Reese has crap in his teeth.