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Haley, 26

So what do you do?
I'm a vascular ultrasound technologist. It's the same thing as ultra-sound but no babies.

That must get you laid.
Well, I'm married with kids. Just putting that out there as soon as possible.

So you don't get laid?
I didn't say that.

How'd you meet this lucky man?
Well, we met in school...

In vascular school?
Yeah, vascular school. You know, went to a party, got entangled...

We were talking about getting married within two weeks of dating. We had a very quick romance.

Apparently. And then you got married?
Well, I got pregnant, and then we got married.

No, but it was great. I mean, something can be true and still happen quickly.

Any advice for a young gal looking to wed?
Get knocked up? [laughs] Actually, just remember that no one's perfect together. It's all about that initial chemistry, attraction... vibing together, for lack for a better word.


Heather, 27

You're a nanny! Please tell me you're involved in an affair.
You'd think I would be, but I'm not. I did hook up with this guy once who told me, "This is a fantasy of mine."

What do you look for in a guy?
Humor, compassion.

You like nice guys?
Yeah, definitely. It's hot.

What's the nicest thing a guy's ever done for you?
I texted this guy I was into a picture of me and the kids I watch, and instead of responding with some typical guy thing and being like, "That's so lame, stop wasting my messages," this guy was like, "That's adorable." It was out of character for a guy, and pretty sexy.

So are you seeing someone now?
Nope, I'm single. Good, clean, single. But I'm trying to find somebody.

You want to be in a relationship again?
Yeah, I like being in relationships. It's like having your best friend with benefits. And not just a friend. Your best friend.

What do you do to let a guy know you're into him?
I start some arbitrary conversation about the first thing I see, some stupid thing that they'll respond to if they're interested. It doesn't take much.

Tell me about the hottest sex you've ever had.
I had sex on my dad's desk after hours and my ass kept slamming up against the fax machine. You know, it was naughty and fun. The sex was great, very wild and uninhibited.


Mickey, 25

So you're named after a mouse.
Yeah, I'm named after that goddamned mouse. Just don't sing the song.

Is that a sex repellent?
No, not a sex repellent. It helps that I work in human resources, so I meet a lot of people. Except, not so much recently, since they moved me to this office that's isolated from everyone else. It's like being quarantined.

So you haven't been getting laid that often?
Well, I haven't been meeting people, but I fuck my friends.

Tell me the best story you have about fucking a friend.
Well, I was with this girl, and we didn't have any protection.

Yeah, so I decided to drive to Wal-Mart in the middle of super-conservative Pennsylvania after going to a gas station that had exactly one condom. And I'm hammered, and with this girl. Anyway, we walk into Wal-Mart and get a box of condoms, and the checkout woman was less than pleased. You could feel her staring through us. Which was absolutely worth almost getting a DUI.

So what do you look for in a girl?
Well, if I don't like her face, it's not gonna happen. And she has to have some ability to have a conversation. I mean, at least the bare minimum. You have to at least be able to talk about the weather.

Tell me about your wildest fantasy.
Well, I really want to fuck a girl on an altar.

Yeah, I was raised Catholic, and there's something really hot about defiling an altar.

Interviews and photography by Alex Rudinski.

Commentarium (21 Comments)

Feb 19 10 - 12:31am

God damn, Heather has an amazing rack.

Feb 19 10 - 12:43am

You like nice guys?
Yeah, definitely. It's hot."
So refreshing to hear that rather than the usual 'I like bad boys' type comments :)

Feb 18 10 - 1:20pm

Jenny! Remember, tilt your head back or open your mouth and shut your eyes when you think he's going to shoot. Much safer!

Feb 18 10 - 1:51pm

What makes you think this was shot in Philly?
BTW, NYC has more than it's share of the hottest women in the world. Remember the fashion and advertising modeling industries are still centered here. Also the greatest concentration of colleges... Even college-age women who will turn out to be just average when they reach their 30s or so can be very hot at 19-24. And anyway, including people of average (or below) looks in this feature is perfectly appropriate. It's reality. If average looking people didn't have sex, there'd be no average people. Well, actually, there would be... they'd just look hotter.

Feb 18 10 - 2:33pm

its shot in philly because it says so at the top

Feb 18 10 - 2:38pm

yeahhh... let's go back to new york.

Feb 18 10 - 5:05pm

Are there a bunch of teenagers here, or what? These are average-looking people, and since this edition is about talking to real people, it's not really all that surprising. Let's see some photos from the people bitching that they don't all look like super-models...

Feb 18 10 - 5:32pm

I agree, Jenny is hot. I hope she doesn't hook up with that pasty chunky dude with the terrible sideburns.

Feb 18 10 - 11:27pm

Wow that bar sure has a bunch of kitschy crap on the wall.A little goes a long way, in fact I think kitsch only works with little amounts before it just turns into unbearably distracting crap.

Feb 19 10 - 1:44am

Ah! Philly! That does explain it, lol, the ugliest city in north america.

Feb 19 10 - 9:15am

P0....You speak the truth. As a (non-native) Philly resident who has lived all over the country, this place cannot compete with the NYC's, LA's, or even Austin's (hottest women in the country in Austin) of the world.

Feb 19 10 - 1:13pm

You're right,Philly cannot compete with those other places for attractive women because all the ugly ones from there move to Philly. We have a Ugly women Nafta program for out of town chicks. Thank God the ones who are born here are still HOT!

Feb 19 10 - 1:15pm

All of the folks in the picture are NOT from Philly,they just work there. We get more fugly out of towners than any other city in the world!

Feb 19 10 - 2:28pm

Jenny is driving me crazy with that photo. So fine.

Feb 22 10 - 2:06am

same, heather's incredible, i'm amazed by her personality and her charity work...:P

Feb 22 10 - 4:28pm

Wow, I didn't know Hooksexup is so popular in So Cal.

Feb 22 10 - 9:21pm

This philly edition sucked balls. Everyone was at the same sucky bar in south philly, wasn't it?? Try somewhere else. I'm from philly and there are tons of places where you could have found more interesting, attractive people. seriously

Feb 24 10 - 4:33pm

@ ZME: Hooksexup will be sure to contact you for your kick-ass advice next time they go to Philadelphia. I'm sure you know where all the kick-ass people hang out and where all the radioactive cretins hang out. The Hooksexup staff apologizes to your magnificence and prays to one day achieve the standards of your awesomeness radar. So inform all: where do all the interesting and attractive people accrue to breed further awesomeness?

Feb 24 10 - 11:28pm

Damn, Mickey is HOT! Totally my type, right down to the drunk driving and midnight condom shopping... Yeah, I sure can pick em

Mar 05 10 - 10:23am