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Roller Derby Girls Are Scary-Hot


[Photo via]

Roller derby has been gaining ground for the past few years. And now, with the film release of Drew Barrymore's Whip It, the sport is bound to explode even more in popularity. I mean, what guy isn't turned on by a girl who can kick his ass? And what girl doesn't want to be that girl?

I myself wish I could don a name like Sylvia Crash and be a sexy hell on wheels. Alas, I suck so bad that -- during my college years -- campus security once cruised by me at a super-slow speed as I attempted to learn how to skate just so they could laugh at me.

But there's still hope for you.


[$390, Roller Derby Girl]

Roller Derby Girl has what you need.

Don't forget your helmet.

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Oct 08 09 - 7:02pm
Laureen Mahler

Cowboys and roller girls! You're like a den of my own personal fantasies today, Steph!

Oct 09 09 - 8:19am
Steph Auteri

When you live out your days in your condo, all you get to do is dream, dream, dream.

I so can't wait to see Whip It.

Oct 09 09 - 9:43am

If you are in NYC, check out the NY roller derby girls. Awesome stuff!

Oct 09 09 - 4:03pm
Steph Auteri

@fran: I would so enjoy that. It sounds like field trip time.

Oct 09 09 - 6:37pm
Jane Fury

"I myself wish I could don a name like Sylvia Crash and be a sexy hell on wheels."

- Speak with Guts & Gloria #42: The beautiful derby girl pictured in this blog. She plays for Humboldt Roller Derby's Redwood Rollers and is the epitome of Hell of Wheels! Raaaawwwr!

Oct 09 09 - 7:40pm
Terrence McNally

Yah - G&G destroys all-comers.

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