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What Are You Listening To? Video Edition: Julie, 20

by Jeremy Glass

Our "What Are You Listening To?" interviews were so damn charming we thought we ought to get them on film. Enjoy this Spotify playlist featuring Julie's picks, and remember, if you want to meet someone to split your iPod headphones with, meet them on Hooksexup.

Commentarium (26 Comments)

May 07 12 - 12:22am
a l l y

so cool, MOOOOAARRRR!!

May 07 12 - 12:32am

Yeah, Julie is super cute. And she has wonderful musical tastes.

May 07 12 - 2:38am
Cute, but

her tastes are very predictable. I don't read this to reaffirm that yes, Icelandic bands are (and were 5 years ago, too) popular. From this particular article, I want people with good music taste, not impeccable make-up skills.
Also, to be picky, it's accent aigu, pas grave, pronounced "moom."

May 07 12 - 9:08am

Maybe you misunderstand what this column is about, then. Those are good bands too, by the way. Just because you listened to them five years ago doesn't make them less so, snob.

May 07 12 - 2:21pm

FalutinCentral: It's more the fact that some people seem to fossilize at the exact moment they latch onto a cool new trend. Some people trendhop all their lives, but some people do it once and spend the rest of their lives defending their trend of choice. Either way, it's boring. There's so much music out there. Why freeze yourself in the golden age of Icelandic indie? It's bad enough to do that when it's relevant, much less beat the drum for it several years after peak saturation. It's so insular and self-serving. Really, hipsters can be just as bland and safe about their choices as 13-year-old Katy Perry fans. Liking Arcade Fire doesn't tell me anything about you. Liking Florence + The Machine doesn't either. Sure it tells me what "type" of person you are, but I'm not interested in types. I'm interested in unusual people with unusual preferences, people who like things I can't predict them liking just by looking at them. I don't read these features to fantasize about other people listening to the same music I do, I do it to broaden my own horizons. Circlejerking is only satisfying for so long. After a while you start to get bored of all the authentic Ethiopian scarves and pixie cuts and thrift store army boots.

May 07 12 - 3:06pm

Any other straw men you'd like to throw in there?

May 07 12 - 4:25pm

Nah I think I'm good thanks.

May 07 12 - 6:48pm

Keep it up Injest, I'm starting to find your habit of hating all over everyone in this feature oddly endearing.

May 07 12 - 7:23pm

Aww shucks :) I do my best <3

May 08 12 - 8:22pm

I can see where you're going with this Injest, but this column isn't necessarily to broaden your horizons on music. It's "What Are You Listening To?" and if she happens to be listening to Icelandic bands and that's the phase she's in now, then so be it. Can't people just listen and enjoy music and not have some statement be formulated about them? If you really wanted to broaden your horizons on music, look elsewhere for a column titled something along the lines of, "New Music" or "Songs You Should Listen to Now!"

May 08 12 - 9:18pm

What Michelle said. Absolutely.

May 09 12 - 2:31am

Okay true, maybe I am barking up the wrong tree. But I have this sneaking suspicion that Hooksexup knew this would be a very safe and uncontroversial choice of interviewee. I'd like to see someone every now and then who hangs out from under the general umbrella of 'hipster'. Interview a cheerleader!

May 09 12 - 7:51am
This said

I hope you like the Icelandic revolution as much as you look down on Icelandic bands. Since you're so up on what's going on and all.

May 09 12 - 1:50pm

Hahaha wow now THAT'S what I call a strawman. FYI, dear commentator, I'm a big fan of Gusgus and most of my late teens were spent zoning out to Sigur Rós' first two albums. So I'm pretty sure I'm not an anti-Iceland zealot, but way to totally misinterpret my point! Clearly nobody could ever object to Julie's bland taste in music unless they held some deep seething grudge against the entire country of Iceland! Way to read right through the lines and expose that raging bias for the rest of us. thanks you for your insight.

May 07 12 - 1:09am
cranky magoo

this is awful. one of the main reasons I read the "what are you listening to?" articles is because you guys include MP3s of the songs people list, like a mini playlist. the old format was way better.

May 07 12 - 2:51am

Yes! I want to be able to listen to the songs that the interviewees like. Otherwise, what is the point?

May 07 12 - 9:13am

The old format's not going away, so stay tuned on that. But embedded MP3s are a good idea. We've added a Spotify playlist to this one, and we'll add embedded MP3s to the next one. Thanks!

May 07 12 - 3:48pm
In Defense

I for one am a fan of the Spotify playlist. Keep it up!

May 07 12 - 3:00am

Damn, that's a lot of makeup.

May 07 12 - 11:19am

I like her style. Great haircut!

May 11 12 - 9:41am

I actually just got that haircut! Based on this video. Thanks, Julie-with-cute-hair.

May 07 12 - 6:20am
Bad French Accent

Accent grave is the other way. Múm is spelled with an aigu.


May 07 12 - 9:09am

Oui, c'est vrai, c'est le forum idéal pour venir se la péter sur l'orthographe. Merci, Bescherelle!

May 07 12 - 10:47am

This rules.

May 07 12 - 11:39am

Ladies and gentlemen, Karen O. Also, put away your v-neck you ass.

May 07 12 - 4:06pm
lazy b

I like looking at pretty girls. That's lots of fun. But I don't feel the need to make them smarter or more interesting than they are. She seemed sweet. I hope that guy got her number, at least.

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