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Fed-up obese man suing White Castle for bigger booths

White Castle has the taste some people can't live without, but it also features moderately sized booths. These booths do not sit well (sorry) with 290-pound stockbroker Martin Kessman, who filed suit last week in Manhattan federal court after the fast-food chain failed to increase the size of their booths, which Kessman said they repeatedly promised to do at his local establishment.

Kessman's beef with the restaurant (sorry again) dates back to April 2009, when he visited the White Castle in Nanuet, N.Y. for his usual No. 2 combo meal. To his chagrin, Kessman found that, after so many "sliders," he now had difficulty sliding into the booth. He was also in pain after banging his knee into one of the table's metal supports. Kessman said, "They're stationary booths. I'm not humongous, [but] I'm a big guy. I could not wedge myself in." (Speaking from personal experience, I can understand why Kessman would want to eat inside the restaurant, what with those gorgeous views of the parking lot and traffic.)

Kessman has a legitimate gripe, I believe, because it's White Castle's fault for basically forcing Kessman to eat their hamburgers, due to their undeniable deliciousness, and thus causing him to put on extra weight which their cramped booths can't accommodate. According to the sixty-four-year-old litigant, White Castle had assured him they would expand their seats. He said, "They sent me specs and everything, about how the booths were going to be enlarged and made comfortable for people with a little more weight. So two-and-a-half years went by, and nothing was done."

White Castle tried to appease Kessman with three "very condescending letters," each which included coupons for three free burgers, though "the cheese was extra!" A White Castle spokesperson also said that Kessman could have requested a regular chair from a store manager.

But that's not good enough for Kessman, who believes the uncomfortable booths are a violation of the civil rights of obese people. He said the Americans with Disabilities Act is applicable "not only to me, but to pregnant women and to handicapped people."

Commentarium (27 Comments)

Sep 11 11 - 3:42pm

sad & embarrassing. i hope this guy realizes the errors of his ways before making too big a spectacle of himself. nothing is a given in this life - we're luckier than so many generations of people before us, our basic human rights are well-protected in this country, but to claim entitlement to cushy chairs at a fast food restaurant? while white castle's ingredients suppliers are busy raping the earth to grow his inefficient calories for him? everyone wants a free meal ticket these days. too bad their lawyers are the only ones getting them.

Sep 11 11 - 9:53pm
Yeah but...

After they finish "raping the earth" and we have nothing left it'll be easy to catch chunksters like him to sustain the rest of us.

Sep 12 11 - 10:48am

It's mostly fat, that's not good eating.

Sep 12 11 - 12:47pm

But he could be rendered for soap and lamp oil.

Sep 11 11 - 11:40pm
Soylent Green

Is made from people! People!! Mmmmmmm

Sep 11 11 - 11:49pm

This article has reached a new level of "cleverness," even for Hooksexup. If I had a word that meant both "smug" and "snarky" it would apply here.

Sep 12 11 - 7:09am

It's tone is quite smurky.

Sep 12 11 - 10:49am


Sep 12 11 - 12:46pm


Sep 13 11 - 2:07am


Sep 12 11 - 12:45am

A fat stockbroker? Hard to reconcile heft and success these days. Isn't obesity a hallmark of the poor? Does that mean he's a crappy stockbroker? Was he once a svelte stockbroker, abs of steel, given to Thai kickboxing of a morning until the crunch then... this; only his ego and sense of entitlement remaining intact and his self-medicating use of White Castle now in jeopardy?

Sep 12 11 - 12:33pm
Bro Ken

Maybe if he had a job that required him to move around a lot, rather than sit at a desk all day and break stocks (or whatever a stockbroker does) he could eat burgers with impunity. That's the ticket: rather than adjust his diet to suit his job, move him to a job that's more appropriate for his diet.

Sep 12 11 - 11:46am

That's a Dude !!!

Sep 12 11 - 12:49pm

My guess is they took one look at him and figured he would croak before they had to increase the seat spacing. "Just spin the guy along a few months, he's probably doomed."

Sep 12 11 - 8:48pm

Especially if we keep giving him more free burgers...

But our clever plan failed when we tried to make it up in cheese profits.

Sep 12 11 - 1:41pm

Thanks for moderating my comment, Hooksexup.

Sep 12 11 - 2:20pm

No personal responsibility these days, everyone wants a handout.

Sep 12 11 - 10:12pm

"I'm not humongous" - Umm, yes, you are. You are, in fact, disgustingly and morbidly obese. Take this a sign, man.

Sep 12 11 - 10:14pm

Its not my fault I can't fit in a 32 waist, sue Levi Jeans!!

Sep 12 11 - 10:30pm
Mr. Lahey

How does he figure the disability act applies to him? He's the one making himself disabled. Unless you have a metabolic, thyroid, or genetic problem, THERE IS NO GOOD REASON FOR YOU TO BE OBESE! "A violation of my civil rights", please. The excuses these fat greaseballs come up with. It's pathetic. How about some level of self-control or responsibility for a change? Same type of goon as the lady that sued McDonald's for spilling coffee on herself.

Sep 13 11 - 2:08am

speaking to the choir

Sep 12 11 - 10:33pm

Only in America such nonsense is entertained.

Sep 13 11 - 3:20am
Zinc Whiskers

Can't he eat on his tailgate in the parking lot with the rest of the obese stockbrokers?

Sep 13 11 - 10:28am

If the booth doesn't fit, then to the gym you must a-git.

Sep 13 11 - 2:01pm

This man has no shame with being morbidly obese. They should accommodate my fat ass. I'm sorry, but Pregnant women and Handicap people can't help being disabled or (albeit temporarily) overweight. This guy could NOT eat as much, and stop being a fat ass, therefore losing weight. He shouldn't fall under ADA for a self-inflicted problem.

Nov 21 11 - 3:08am

And I was just wodnreing about that too!

Nov 21 11 - 2:38pm

cdNbrw jhnxuxphsiaq

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