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Tony Bennett

As he's making the publicity rounds for his latest album, Tony Bennett could pretty easily coast on the "beloved elder statesmen" thing and leave it at that. Instead, he went on Howard Stern, blamed America for 9/11, and told the story of the time George W. Bush told him that the Iraq war was actually a mistake. 

"But who are the terrorists?" Bennett responded when prompted by Stern. "Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don't make a right. [...] They flew the plane in, but we caused it. Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop."

Stern conceded that Bennett was "making some good points" before the singer then launched into an even better tangent. From ABC News: 

Before leaving, Bennett recalled an evening in 2005 when he was honored at the Kennedy Center. Meeting President George W. Bush at the event, the singer said that the commander-in-chief shared his opinion about the Iraq War.

“He told me personally that night that, he said, ‘I think I made a mistake,’” Bennett said.

Bennett believed that the president made this revelation because “he had a special liking to me.”

Who knows, maybe it is possible that the only time in recorded history George W. Bush has expressed anything other than blind enthusiasm for his various military entanglements really was to Tony Bennett. He does seem like a guy you could trust, in a wacky old uncle sort of way. Either way, good chance this one won't go over too well with the nostalgic fan base Bennett's hoping to tap into for the new duets album. 

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Sep 20 11 - 9:01pm

Bennett just has one of those faces, you know?

Sep 21 11 - 6:55am

"They flew the plane in, but we caused it. Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop."

Who knew Tony Bennett was a chomskyite?

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