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As the old businessman's axiom goes, when you work hard, you have to play hard. And seeing as no one works harder than Stephen Hawking, the renowned physicist who's trying to solve the mysteries of the entire universe while also dealing with the day-to-day hardships of living with a lifelong debilitating disease, it's no surprise he likes to play harder than most. According to "a source" for Radar Online, "playing hard" in this case means being a regular at sex clubs.

Apparently, another regular at the Freedom Acres swingers' club in Southern California has spotted Hawking quite a few times over the years. According to the spoil-sport: 

"He arrives with an entourage of nurses and assistants. Last time I saw him he was in the back 'play area' laying on a bed fully clothed with two naked women gyrating all over him."

Which, you know, is now an image you have in your head. So you're welcome for that. 

But the question remains: is this just Hawking taking a break from his number-crunching and exploration of time to just have a little brain-clearing time with some lovely ladies? Maybe it's just Hawking spending the twilight of his life trying, once and for all, to solve the greatest mystery known to mankind: women.

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Feb 24 12 - 8:01pm
gainer many

When you don't believe in an existence beyond the material plane, it would seem you gotta do what you gotta do to experience some sort of heaven now. Dirty old fuck.

Feb 25 12 - 11:24am
Seems to me... should the guy alone. You find it interesting due to his disability which is just....sick.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. A new Hooksexup low.

Feb 25 12 - 12:10pm

Another way of looking at it is giving Hawking the same kind of "gossip" coverage as those lacking his disabilities. Therefore, equal opportunity. Anyway, I think the spotlight is pointed there b/c he's famous and a big brain and likes sex clubs - all unusual things. Not to poke fun of the guy in a wheelchair gettin' some.

Feb 25 12 - 12:47pm

Well said

Feb 26 12 - 6:05pm
Yes, because

...Hooksexup covers all Nobel prize winning scientist's sexual habits.


Feb 27 12 - 1:15am

Hawking's never won a Nobel, but thank you for playing. We have lovely parting gifts for you.

Feb 25 12 - 4:31pm

Sex/sexuality is one of the best ways to temporarily switch off/reset a busy brain. Good on him.

Feb 27 12 - 10:24am

I guess it's the risk you take when you go out in public, but fuck the dude who decided to blab about this.

Feb 28 12 - 6:00pm

When you are the foremost mind on modern theoretical physics, you can bang hookers all you want as far as I'm concerned. Besides, with a condition like his, I cannot say that I blame him. I would probably do the same thing.

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