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Vaguely anti-Semitic vodka billboard pulled

The advertising honchos who came up with the latest Wodka Vodka campaign think that you should start associating their product with dogs. Specifically, dogs in costume. Specifically, dogs in costume who are dressed up as Santa Claus and an observant Jew, accompanied by vaguely anti-Semitic innuendo.

After putting up a billboard on New York's West Side Highway late Monday, the company received complaints for the ad (above, before it was taken down), which depicted two dogs wearing a yarmulke and a Santa hat along with the message, "Christmas quality, Hanukkah pricing." In a statement from the Anti-Defamation League, New York regional director Ron Meier called the ad "crude and offensive," arguing that it reasserted the stereotype that "Jews are cheap." Amidst the fracas, Wodka Tweeted an apology and the ad was taken down Tuesday afternoon. 

Although Wodka Vodka is no stranger to controversy — one spot on their website reads, "Escort quality, hooker pricing," and is inexplicably accompanied by a picture of a sheep in a sombrero — it's kind of hard to believe that they didn't expect passersby to be put off by the poster, particularly on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which has the third-highest concentration of Jews in the world behind Israel and the cast of a Judd Apatow movie (as of yet unconfirmed by any demographics resource).

While I, a Jew (glimpse into the life of a blogger!), do not personally find the ad offensive, I could see why someone would find the "Hanukkah prices" reference a bit unsavory, especially when coupled with the photo of a cheap-ass collie in a yarmulke. But Brian Gordon, the head of the agency who ran the campaign, is quick to point out that he, too, is Jewish, and doesn't get why people were perturbed by the ad.

"We thought people would perceive it as 'ha ha' quirky," Gordon said (presumably while blushing, shrugging sheepishly, and raising his palms in the air). "But people perceived it as offensive." Yeah? You think, Don Draper?

Commentarium (17 Comments)

Nov 23 11 - 4:26pm

Saw the news story on TV, and the owners seemed reasonable. They're mostly jewish and didn't get why other jewish people would really find offense.

Nov 23 11 - 4:46pm
I'm sure

Rush Limbaugh had something to do with this.

Nov 23 11 - 8:01pm

I thought you only hated black people?

Nov 26 11 - 5:13pm

really just hates himself, but trolls Hooksexup to distract himself from thinking about his deep-seated character issues.

Nov 23 11 - 4:57pm

Alright, so Woody Allen of them"I am a Jew, I do not see why HE would be offended".
So, heres me turn: I am less offended by the "Hanukah Pricing" as I am by the "Christmas Quality"
Why does Christmas and christian culture get to own the term quality?
Just asking.

Nov 23 11 - 5:21pm

Wait, does "Christmas Quality" mean "like chintzy crap you get from a distant relative and put away in a box in the cellar never to be seen again?"

Nov 23 11 - 5:37pm

I don't think that's a collie, but no dog wears a yarmulke well

Nov 23 11 - 6:18pm

It's an Afghan, I think, which would make it being Jewish somewhat odd.

Nov 24 11 - 4:46am

There are Afghan Jews, but all of them have left Afghanistan by now.

Nov 24 11 - 8:14am

@BerlinExPat - My point exactly.

Nov 23 11 - 5:50pm

This is the second time in a couple of days one of you Hooksexup interns has used "as of yet" in a "News" article. It's "as yet" or "as of today", but as the late great Mr G. Carlin said "as of yet" is just plain stupid.

Nov 23 11 - 6:30pm

Relax. It's colloquial use of language.

Nov 24 11 - 12:05am

Oh, shut up. They're wannabe professional writers and need to know what ain't good English

Nov 24 11 - 8:14am

I'm with GB on this one.

Nov 23 11 - 9:30pm

And of course they made the dog with the long nose the Jewish one!

Nov 23 11 - 10:45pm

This was a joke from "The Simpsons", a couple years back. Except when they did it, it was funny.

Nov 25 11 - 2:09am

At least the Jewish dog wasn't a German shepherd.

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