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Couple to base abortion decision on internet poll

Pete and Alisha Arnold

Unfortunately, no, that headline isn't a joke. Minneapolis' own Pete and Alisha Arnold, two people who have somehow managed to functionally exist in the world for the past thirty years, have come to the natural conclusion that the most appropriate, socially acceptable way to decide whether or not to abort their pregnancy is an online poll.

Abortion poll

They've even spent the past few months blogging about the progress of the potentially aborted pregnancy — it's a boy — on their aptly titled site, Voting will close just before the twentieth week of the pregnancy (and thus the window of time for a legal abortion) ends, leaving the Arnolds two days to make a decision. As per the laws of the internet, the poll has been spammed multiple times already by users of 4Chan piling on votes for the "have an abortion" option, not to mention people who may think the poll's very existence is probably a pretty clear answer to the question at hand. 

So, you might ask,"'What in God's name would possess someone to think this is a good idea?" Well according to their interview with Gawker, in which they also insist that this is not a joke, the idea was the result of Pete and Alisha's deep respect for democracy, of all things. "Voting is such an important part of who we are as people," Pete explains. "Here's a chance where people can be heard about whether they are pro-choice or whether they are pro-life, and it makes a difference in the real world." But don't get too drunk with power here: "It's kind of like Congress. They might vote for something, but the president has the final veto," he added.

We'll leave the Decision Points jokes up to you, the outcome of the poll to the Internet, and the rest to child protective services.

Tags abortion

Commentarium (18 Comments)

Nov 18 10 - 10:49am
G Unit

I see dumb people.

Nov 18 10 - 12:43pm

There's a reason to have a dictatorship right there.

Nov 18 10 - 1:39pm

I can't even think of a snarky comment for how idiotic this is.

Nov 18 10 - 3:30pm

Even though I consider myself as someone who advocates "pro choice," I find this very upsetting. Abortion is a VERY serious decision and to show so much apathy over the what could be the life of another human being by putting it on the internet is an insult to those people who struggle with this decision daily.

Also, this is the kind of thing morons on fox will use as reasons why there shouldn't be abortion. It is a total fucking insult to doctors who give abortions and people who consider getting abortions.

Nov 18 10 - 6:43pm

what a couple of fucking idiots. i hate this country.

Nov 18 10 - 8:37pm
Stephen Stills

@Julian: Maybe they started the poll intentionally to stir up anti-abortion sentiment.

Nov 18 10 - 11:28pm

@ Stephen Stills - you're probably right... everyone knows that real democrats aren't fat

Nov 19 10 - 8:27am
Jai Elle

Oh my! It's now international news as I am in the UK. When I read about this in the morning paper I really couldn't believe that someone could actually do this! What is the world coming to? As someone who desperately wants a child and cannot, due to medical reasons, this has really upset me. Even if the child is born, it cannot stay with them. How would you explain something like this to your child? Even if it is for some strange protest?

Feb 17 11 - 4:18am

...WOW...What in THE CLUSTER FUCK is this world coming too....INFINITE SADNESS setting in now.

Mar 05 11 - 7:20am

The poll was obviously set up to make people realize that abortion is a personal choice not to be GOVERNED by a majority vote (hello government)

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