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Seth Stambaugh

Seth Stambaugh is a 23-year-old graduate teaching student in Oregon who was, until recently, a student teacher at a Portland elementary school. According to Queerty and local media outlets, Stambaugh was allegedly sacked by the elementary school for honestly answering student questions about his personal life.

Big mistake, dude. Don't ever get into your personal life with students -- my long-suffering Spanish teacher found that out the hard way when we learned she had been married six times.

Stambaugh, who was helping instruct 4th and 5th grade classes, responded to a student's question about whether he was married. Stambaugh said no, because he "would choose to marry another guy," and that would be illegal. [Queerty]

It seems a parent was out to get Stambaugh: someone had previously complained about the student teacher wearing a "pressed slacks, button-up oxford shirt... and cardigan" ensemble and now they threatened to pull their kid from school if Stambaugh was allowed to continue there.

This is apparently the same school district that was sued two years ago after a teacher was bullied out of staging The Laramie Project. Time for a federal review of the district, maybe?

Commentarium (10 Comments)

Oct 20 10 - 5:42pm

... complained about the student teacher wearing "pressed slacks, button-up oxford shirt... and cardigan"? What rocks have to be turned over to find slugs and then give credence to the slugs who ... oh, never mind. It wouldn't do any good anyway. We used to make fun of stupid ignoramuses, now we lionize them and fire the good people.

Oct 20 10 - 6:39pm

Don't worry Seth.....wait for gets better.

Oct 20 10 - 8:14pm

what? pressed slacks. button up oxford shirt. a cardigan... you mean to tell me that he DARE come to school dressed NICE? well, thats reason enough to fire him! : \ I mean really, whats so horrible about having some guy who happens to prefer men to women teach at a school? Yeah, bad move for letting 4th and 5th graders know about your personal life, but being gay isn't a crime or something to be ashamed of. He likes dick, get over it. Who knows, maybe one of the kids in his class is gay. That would be awesome for him to be seen as a role model and to let that kid know that they are normal and that theres nothing wrong with them. Ugh, its a shame this is even an issue .

Oct 20 10 - 9:44pm

Most of the women I know like dick too.

Oct 20 10 - 10:33pm

A small point, but as a Portlander, I feel like it's an important one: It was a Beaverton school, not a Portland school (Queerty refers to it as a "Portland, Oregon area school"). The two cities are next to each other, but Beaverton's known (to those of us in Portland, anyway) as being bigoted. Portland is a MUCH better and more tolerant place to live (in my opinion, anyway).

Oct 21 10 - 1:02am

Nice clothes are so gay.

Oct 21 10 - 8:57am

Not to diminish what Dan savage has done with his campaign but this teacher is a 23 year old man who got fired for being gay. he has lost his livelihood. so in fact it doesn't get better. it just stays the fucking same. so lets stop making teary videos and and start fucking up some bigots. with me?

Oct 21 10 - 9:08am

@Betty thank you! I was kind of horrified and confused until I realized it was in Beaverton and then it all made sense. Most people who don't live there kind of assume the whole state's backwater...
@Jack did you get that idea from Queer as Folk? Because it definitely didn't work there either...

Oct 21 10 - 12:43pm

i'm with you jack. tell me when and where.

Oct 21 10 - 12:57pm

What would a gay man *expect* from a town called "Beaverton"? Now if he were lesbian, that would be different.

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