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Republicans and Democrats dating

According to the annual "Singles in America" study, your date's political affiliations can tell you a lot more than who they'd marry, date, or dump in a Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Ralph Nader situation. Among the findings? Democrats are total floozies while Republicans are really concerned about money.

As the image above illustrates, Democrats seek out partners who are respectful, humorous, and comfortable with their sexuality. Republicans look for people with the same values, same fiscal views, and same desire for marriage. Democratic men find opinionated dates a turn-on, and are more likely to have sex on the first date. Republican men, on the other hand, are turned on by "conservative dress" and career ambitions. But they might get pissy if you have too many guy friends.

Let's take a look at the complete party preference breakdown, shall we?

Liberal Democrats were more likely than moderate Republicans to say they need a partner who....

  • Treats them with respect
  • Has a sense of humor
  • Is comfortable with sexuality
  • Is physically attractive
  • Is comfortable communicating
  • Has a sense of independence
  • Has a similar level of education

Conservative Republicans were more likely to say they need a partner who....

  • Shares the same values
  • Has the same view on money
  • Is the same religion
  • Is interested in marriage
  • Is close with their family
  • Is of the same ethnic background
  • Has the same political affiliation

Another interesting tidbit? Single Republicans are more likely to have been divorced. They're also slightly more likely to have been married twice.

So there's some more "what your politics say about you" info for you. Now if they would just do a conclusive study on what your voter registration indicates about your favorite color, season, and ice cream flavor, we could do away with dating profiles altogether.

Commentarium (10 Comments)

Feb 07 12 - 3:26am

This article is definitely unbalanced. As a journalist myself, and a Democrat, it seems that Hunt harbors a bias against Republicans. Either that, or she just cranked this out to get it done-- I see she's written several articles about different aspects of this study.

There had to be more information than this from the study-- why is this article so short? Why didn't she make more effort to find contrasting points? What do Republicans value *emotionally* in their partners? They're not just Fundamentalist, money-obsessed, robots, looking for a Stepford wife! Also, Republicans are just as capable as Democrats when it comes to avoiding relationships.

Although the points are invariably true in my experiences, the Republican list lists only superficial traits, and Democrat list is more substantial emotionally. The comments afterward undermine what is touted as the primary Republican party values of family and commitment, and points out nothing unflattering about Democrats.

Feb 07 12 - 11:05am
Rutherford B. Hayes

There is nothing unflattering about Democrats.

Feb 07 12 - 12:37pm

It's because Democrats are "substantial" and Republicans are "superficial." It's because anyone with a soul and a pulse would be "biased" in favor of Democrats.

Feb 07 12 - 5:40pm

What about "similar values," "religion," and "close with family"? How are those superficial? I would say if there's a trend, it's that Republicans were looking at how that person interacts with things around them in their own life (money, career, family, faith, personal values), and Democrats were looking at how that person interacts with their partner (respect, communication, independence, sexuality).

And you haven't exactly uncovered a vast conspiracy by noting that a left-leaning website is left-leaning. I think that much is fairly obvious.

Feb 07 12 - 11:25pm
isatne elucidate

There is nothing unflattering about Republicans either. It's simply a difference of opinion. Regardless of what Hooksexup would have you believe, Republicans are not inherently evil. And neither are Democrats. Both sides have some good things on their platform, and both have a lot of bad things that do nothing outside of further their self-serving agendas. BOTH sides.

Feb 07 12 - 11:38pm

I'm sure you are a Democrat, what with the lamentation of how unfairly Neo Cons are portrayed.

Feb 08 12 - 9:24am

Of course you're not a Democrat is you want to be fair. Is that what you're saying, demo? You've got to love that; open to all points of view, as long as they conform with yours.

Feb 07 12 - 3:40am

Keep pumping out them propaganda while bashing the likes of Fox News... oh I mean Faux News (ROFL !)

Feb 07 12 - 2:59pm
Saratoga Slim

There WAS more information in the study. In full, it stated that Republicans want marriage...and a mistress.

Feb 08 12 - 12:14am
Bill Clinton & JFK

Say what ?

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